Run (Awesamdude)

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"you're insane bad!"

"I prefer the word creative, insane just sounds so... Judgemental"

Bad let's out a cackle as he slowly walks closer to the girl, the distance between the two getting smaller with each step he took, Y/N, with her back now pressed against the walls of her base, had nowhere to go, she had no ender pearls, and if she tried to run, Bad would just kill her.

Antfrost loomed behind Bad as he approached the girl, his eyes glowing a red so deep that it could be comparable to the color of blood, or, the color of the vines they both seemed to worship. She stumbled around and he moved his hand, taking a grip on the sword attached to his side. Almost like a warning, that if she even tried to leave he would have no problem killing her.

She had previously lost one of her lives before, and it was the most horrifying experiences she ever lived through, she still has nightmares reliving her death, and would wake up in a cold sweat, the scar on her chest swelling up, reliving the pain of the firework burning her skin and piercing through her chest.

But that wasn't the point right now, what was important right now was to get out of here alive. But seeing the situation she was in, that seemed almost impossible. She could try to act like she was part of the egg, but Bad always seems to know when she's lying, almost like something is telling him, she can't try and guilt trip him, he wouldn't fall for that, she knew that The Egg was more important then her now in his and Antfrost's eyes.

Then, she spotted the pouch attached to bars side, where she knew he kept his pearls in, if she could get close enough and grab one, she might have a chance of escaping.

Y/N then started to cry, it was a fake cry but she knew he wouldn't be able to see the difference. Bad's eyes went quickly from anger to confusion. "Hey... Why are you crying you muffin" he says, slowly approaching her. "I-I I'm sorry bad, I don't want us fighting like this, please I'm sorry" she sobs. He puts a hand on her shoulder, this was her chance, she hugs Bad and he wraps his arms around her.

She slowly reaches for the satchel of ender pearls, then out of nowhere she feels a sharp pain in her chest, Bad stabbed her with his sword. She quickly shoves him away. "So that's how you wanna play Y/N? You wanna lie to me? You wanna trick me? Well too bad, I'm done being lied too" he yells as he draws an arrow and aims it at her heart.

Y/N didn't know how on Earth she was still alive, but this was her final chance, she managed to grab a single ender pearl when she hugged Bad, she took one final look at Bad, no, that wasn't Bad, Bad would never purposely hurt anyone, he would never hurt his friends. She tighter her grip on the pearl and with all her strength, threw it over the walls of her base.

"She threw a pearl!" Ant yells, but before they could do anything to stop it, she was gone.

Sam was currently getting some of the materials he needed to make his bank, but in the corner of his eye, he saw something flying towards him, it was an ender pearl! And it was approaching him really fast too, so fast that before he could even blink it hit him right in the head. A figure immerged from the pearl, and fell right on top of him, he groaned and pushed the figure off of him, he then noticed that it was Y/N, and she was severely injured, it looked as she had been stabbed through the chest and she was bleeding heavily.

If he wanted to keep her alive, he would have to be quick, luckily he wasn't far from the community nether portal, so he gently picked her up and ran as fast as he could, carful not to cause her any more harm.

He arrived at his base, and used his hoe to open the door, rushing inside he set her down carefully onto his bed, ignoring the fact that her blood would get over his blankets, he could wash them later. This was more important.

His dog Fran cautiously approached the bed where Y/N laid, seeming to notice she was in pain, Fran stood protectively beside her. Sam ran towards his chests in search for healing potions, luckily he had some on him and quicky grabbed a damp cloth to clean the wound to make sure it didn't get infected.

Sam ran over and checked the girls pulse, she was still breathing, good.
He gently took the cloth and cleaned off the access blood and dirt from her would, causing her to flinch, but somehow it didn't wake her from her sleep.

Her facial expression went calm once again, and Sam took a second to admire her features, she looked so peaceful, surprising seeing that she had a hole in her chest, but Y/N was usually able to sleep though the weirdest situations. On that topic, what exactly happened to her? No monster could have inflicted this wound. So someone must have done it, but who?

Now was not the time for this though, the main focus was getting Y/N better, and for this he needed to wake her up so she can drink the potion. It won't completely heal her wound, but it will heal her enough so that it she isn't in deadly condition.

"Y/N, Y/N get up, you need to drink this" Sam says, gently shaking her shoulder, Y/N's eyes slowly open and she immediately hisses in pain. "S-sam? What happened, where are we?" She asks, trying to get up but failing. "Don't get up yet, here, drink this, it'll help" he says, handing her the potion. She takes a large swig of the drink and her face scrunches up, "it tastes icky" she mumbles, looking down at the drink. "I know, but it'll help" he tells her, and she finishes up the drink in one last take.

"Good job" Sam says as she hands him the bottle, "if it's okay, can I ask what happened?" Y/B's eyes light up at the question. "Yeah, but I don't know if you'll like it" she says.


"Jesus Christ" Sam says as Y/N finishes the story, "Bad really did that? He stabbed you? This egg is worse then I thought" he mumbles. "Yeah, honestly if it wasn't for you being there I probably would have died. So thank you" she smiles at him, Sam goes a little red, "it's no problem, but, another question, where are you going to go? They know where you are and they'll probably be after you" he asks, Y/N ponders, "I.... I haven't thought about that yet" she says, "I was more focused on staying alive to be honest" she laughs.

Her laugh gives him butterflies in his stomach and he loves it, he wanted to keep her safe from them. "Hey, if you want, you can stay here, they don't know about my base and if they do find you I'll be able to help" Sam offers and Y/N grins.

"That would be amazing! Thank you, Sam"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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