Exile (Tommy)

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(Art credit to... Me! Sometimes I might wanna put little doodles or just some art pieces I've done, if you wanna see my art follow me on tik tok @ _sealia_ :))

"I- I'm so sorry, Tommy" Tubbo turns to face Dream, "I think the best, and safest, course of action, would be... To exile Tommy" Tubbo looks down in shame, refusing to face us. "What?! You've got to be kidding me!" Quackity yells, "We just went over this man!" Fundy adds standing beside the secretary of state. "Teaming with Technoblade, is an AWFUL idea!" "But-" "No, no! Okay?! War is not the best for this nation right now! Nothing, involving any kind of conflict is the best for us right now. We can't afford to go into another war! We are barely holding on as it is! You guys are thinking with your feelings, not with your brains right now. There is more then just us at stake here!"

Quackity and Fundy start arguing with him while I look at Tommy. His face is full of shock and he looks, hurt, he turns and looks at me and tears stream down my face. He turns to Tubbo "Tubbo what the, what the fuck man" as everyone is yelling Tubbo screams at us to shut up. "You have undermined my authority this whole time! None of you have shown me an ounce of respect as your president. You all jump on these bandwagons and it's very clear to me that NONE of you have the best interests of this country in mind. And it's more apparent then EVER today. I made a promise when I became president to always have the best interests for this nation at heart before I do anything. And you Tommy, are not what's best for this nation right now". Tommy looks like he has tears in his eyes as he stumbles with his words, I stare at the floor and space out, Tommy, Tommy is going to be exiled, I can't do anything to stop it.

"Dream please escort Tommy out of L'Manburg" Tubbo tells Dream as he steps aside. "Come on Tommy, let's go" he pushes Tommy off of the obsidian wall he built. "You'll hurt him! Be careful!" I scream as I reach my arm out as Tubbo holds me back. "Tubbo you can't do this he's your best friend please!" I beg. "You have every right to go with him. You're not being exiled" he stares at me. I notice the tears in his eyes as he sniffles. "I'm going to go take care of him okay?" I tell Tubbo wrapping my arms around him. He sniffles "o-okay" and him, Quackity, and Fundy walk off the wall. The two men still trying to change the presidents mind.

I follow Dream and Tommy to wherever they're going, Dream seems to have noticed me but just hasn't said anything yet. I don't think Tommy's noticed me, he's too busy yelling at Dream about where he's being taken. We eventually arrive at a clear area of land far from the SMP and L'Manburg. Dream sets up this shitty looking dirt shack and commands Tommy and Ghostbur to drop their items into a hole to he can destroy them. Tommy argues and eventually compiles, and Wilbur dumps everything in except for some of his 'Blue' and his food. Giving some of the blue to Dream. For some reason he doesn't ask me to destroy my things.

Dream eventually sets off giving me an apologetic look and riding off in his boat. I get out from where I was hiding and see Ghostbur showing some of the things he hid from Dream. I honestly wouldn't have expected him to do that. But he has this shit eating grin on his face while he talks that makes me forget that.

"Hey... Tommy" I say walking into the dirt shed. Tommy stops and looks at me "Y/N, w-why are you here?" He asks. "I'm coming with you" I smile taking out my tools and putting it into the pile of items we had left. "Wait Dream didn't take your shit?! That fucking dickhead" Tommy yells kicking a rock.  "Wait did Tubbo exile you too? That fucking-" "you could say so" I mumble. I didn't want him to get mad at me for coming. So I decided to stay quiet."what is that supposed to mean?" He asks, I didn't answer.

"Ooo! I'm gonna go make us a base out of logs!!! You guys can help if you want but I understand if you wanna sit and organize our things for vacation" Wilbur smiles and floats out of the dirt shack. "Wait... Vacation?" I ask "I didn't want to break it to him, he just seems so happy and I didn't wanna ruin it, I-I didn't wanna" Tommy bursts into tears and falls into his knees. He looked so depressed. His best friend just betrayed him and he lost his home, now he's stuck out in the middle of nowhere with a ghost and a women. "Oh God Tommy, I'm sorry" I get on my knees infront of him and wrap my arms around him, letting him cry into my shirt as he wraps his arms around me. "I-I I'm so sorry. I've ruined everything, all of this is my fault you have every right to leave you don't need to help me" he cries even harder.

"No no Tommy don't think that please, without you L'Manburg wouldn't even exist. You've done so much to help us please don't look down on yourself. It's okay, I'm here, I will always be here for you, no matter what you do Tommy" I run my fingers through his hair. His breathing starts to get back to a normal pace and his body seems to relax. I've never seen Tommy cry before and it broke my heart. "It'll be okay Tommy, we will get though this together." I tell him as I stroke his hair and start to quietly sing.

"I heard there was, a special place-"

He starts to hum along to the words as his crying slowly stops and by the end of the song Tommy falls asleep. I pick him up in my arms with a huff since he was a lot bigger then me and pretty heavy, and I place him on the bed and head out to help Wilbur on our new home.

(Part 2 maybe?? This one was more platonic but I can make it more fluffy if anyone wants a part 2 to this one :) )

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