OBLIVIOUS (Technoblade)

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This will be based off of me and a guy I like since he is literally technos soul in another body

Ahhahah I asked him and I got rejected


Hollllllaaaaaaaa mi amor

Potato man

acabo de cometer un incendio premeditado, ¿qué pasa?


I don't know spanish

Potato man

Typical, you say you simp for me but you still don't know Spanish? What a faker smh


Please love me you're just too perfect

Potato man

No, suffer.


heart 💔 been broke 📉 so many times ⏰ i don't know 🤔 what to believe 💯 mama 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 said 🗣 it's my fault 😢 it's my fault 🤦🏻‍♂️i wear my heart ❤️ on my sleeve 💪 i think it's best 👍🏻 I put my heart ❤️ on ice 🧊

These were usually how your conversations with the potato king himself went. You've been friends for years and ever since you met him you've had feelings, Skeppy and Bad tried to help you by giving him hints. And whenever you were together he was always super physically affectionate with you. Hugging you, holding your hand, basically holding you hostage whenever you watch shows together when cuddling. But he was always extremely persistent on how he didn't have feelings towards you whenever it was brought up. If you wanted to you could easily confess in person since you lived in the same building. But you're a pussy so n o.

"It's just so stupid you know? Maybe I should just give up" you sigh slamming your head on too your desk with a very loud thud. "Owie" you groan rubbing your throbbing head where a small bump was starting to grow. "Hey you muffin! Be careful!" Bad scolds you "yeah Y/N! You'll end up getting brain damage" Skeppy yells, not helping the pain in my head. "I'm just frustrated! I mean he acts like there is something going on between us but then says there isn't! I know there can be friendships between people where stuff like this is completely platonic but this just feels different, I don't know how to describe it but it is" I vent to the boys while spinning around in my chair. "Spinny spinny spin" Bad hums while Skeppy starts to beatbox.

You laugh, they always knew how to make you smile, "thanks guys, what do you think I should do?" I ask, stopping the spinning since I was getting dizzy. "GO FOR IT!!" They both scream trying to hype me up. Keep in mind I don't have my headset plugged in since they're... broken, and I've been too lazy to get knew ones. "But like, what do I say? I don't really do this much" I look down at my legs and blush. "Just be like, oooo! Technoblade! I love you soooooooooo much!!! Please let me have your babies as we frolick through a field of potato's together!!" Skeppy says doing his best girl impression with exaggerated facial expressions and flailing his arms around. Bad sighs "Y/N, just say how you feel! You know, I like you and I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship-" "wait what if he DOESN'T and I actually fuck everything up and he stops talking to me?!?" You start to panic. "Nonononono! It's just a way to be polite you know?" Bad stutters trying to calm me down. "That won't happen." A voice I know far too well says from behind me.

Oh. God. No. This is the most cliche thing ever, this couldn't be happening. Bad and Skeppy gasp dramatically as the both take this as their queue to leave. Mothetfucker-

"I uh, how are you in my apartment?" I ask, "i-i've had a key for years, remember?" "Oh yeah. He has, I guess my mind went blank I guess, sorry" I awkwardly scratch my back of my neck. We stay where we are in awkward silence for what feels like hours. "Why are you here?" I ask, standing up and going to get some water, "you left your blankets from movie night, I thought you would want them back" he chuckled.  "Thanks, want anything?" I ask filling my cup with the cold tap water. Goosebumps ran up my arm as some of the water splashed against it.

I take a sip.

"I want you, Y/N"

I choke.

He quickly runs over and takes the cup from me "oh God I'm sorry are you okay? Probably not the best time to say something like that" right now he was focused on if I was okay, but soon the realization of what he just said to me hits him. I can see it in his face. "Oh, I'm sorry, I.... I shouldn't have said that" he grabs a cup from the counter and gets himself some water to distract himself as I take a second to think. He... Wanted me too? Like, liked me? Holy shit this can't be happening. I turn to him.

He takes a sip

"I want you too"

He chokes

And I laugh. He does too.

We both start laughing hysterically. So much that we have to sit down. I didn't know what was so funny to me, I don't think he knew either. "You like me?" He asks. "Yes, you like me?" I reply "Yes" he responds and leans over and hugs me. The imbrace was warm, and I felt safe.  I hug him back and we stay that way on my floor for a while. "Wanna go on a minecraft date?" He asks. "No" he frowns. "I wanna go on a real date first, no need to move so fast buddy" I jokingly slap him on the arm and he blushes. "Okay,  let's do that" and we sit there for a little while longer. Until you get up to text Bad and Skeppy that all was good and it went well.

Bad and Skeppy call again.

You answer and bad and Skeppy are bickering about something. "Oh hi Y/N!! Bad cheerfully says. "HELLO!" Skeppy yells. "How did it go? Ohhh Technoblade!! I love you so much mwah mwah" he says in his girl voice again "oh Y/N I'm Technoblade and I love you more then potato's please date me in minecraft wuwuuwuwuwuwu" he makes his voice go deep. "Jesus is that how you see me? And did you just say uwu over and over again?" Techno asks in his monotone voice. "I did! How was my impression of you guys? I've been practicing" he looks proud and I didn't wanna ruin his mood so I tell him he did good.  "Thanks bad for reminding me to return that blanket today" Techno winks at the camera to him.


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