Clingy (Tommyinnit)

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feel free to make suggestions for what I can write. It's not guaranteed that I will but I'll most likely try! Thank you!

Tommy would never ever admit it, but he was EXTREMELY clingy. Whenever you were together, he wanted to be the center of your attention at all times.

"Well why don't you leave then?!" Tommy playfully yells at you, it was a bit that you two would argue like an old married couple.
"You're so mean Tommy!" You laugh, "I'm gonna go speak to Tubbo now you bum" you get ready to leave the call.

You watch Tommy's face shift into one of disappointment. "Well uh, you don't have to do that..." he mumbles, "what? Do you want me to stay Tommy?" You ask as a smile quickly appears on your face. "N-no! I am a big strong man and I don't need any women to keep me company! I have hundreds of girlfriends to do that for me!" He yells as he flexes his muscles. "I'm sorry mum! Wha? It's for a bit! No, it's funny!" You can hear him shout back at his mum who apparently didn't find it very amusing.

"Well I guess I'll go then..." I smirk. "Hey! No! I didn't say you have to leave! You can stay if you want too..." "Tommy, do you want me to stay?" I ask one more time, "sure, whatever women, you can stay" "okay Thomas" I see that his face flushes a light pink as the chat is filled with "AWWWWWWWS" and "CLINGYINNIT"

"I am not clingy chat!" Tommy yells into the microphone. "I would never ever be clingy for a women EVER!! I'm way to committed to the grind" he smirks trying to play it all off.

*stream ends*

"Haha, Clingyinnit" I giggle. His face goes red again. "I AM NOT CLINGY WOMEN" he yells, still in his "streaming character" we both laugh hysterically. "Anyways, can I come over? I'm really tired after today's stream and I really wanna see you" Tommy asks, his voice a lot more gentle now.  Now I was flustered. Tommy was never really upfront about wanting to do things with me often but whenever he did it was super sweet. "Yes please. I've missed you" I smile. " I'll be there in a couple minutes then" he smiles at me one more time and then ends the call.

I get up from my chair and stretch, changing into one of the sweaters Tommy gave me and some sweats. I usually dressed up a tiny bit for the camera since I didn't wanna look like a complete bum. Tommy and Wilbur said I looked fine but I insisted.

I hear a knock at my door and I open it up to Tommy who immediately hugs me and closes the door with his foot. His arms wrapped around my waist and his head resting on top of mine since compared to little ol' me he was a giant. "I missed you" he mumbles into my hair.  I wrap my arms around him and rest my head against his chest.  "I missed you too." I can feel his heart rate speed up as I say those words and I smile. "Wanna go upstairs? We can watch a movie and cuddle" I ask looking up at him. "Yes please"

We head up to my room and Tommy shoves me onto the bed and then flops right on top of me. "Tommy you fucking elephant get off of me" I laugh. "Naw, I think I like it here." He smirks and gives me a quick peck on the lips. He the rolls off and wraps his arms around me pulling me close. His large hands run through my hair as I grab my remote and turn on Disney's "Up". We watch in silence until he says. "I'm not clingy Y/N, I just love you and don't want you to leave" he has never told me he loved me before. I look up at him and his face is completely red, I smile "I love you too Thomas" I tell him and lay my head on his chest again" we watch up for a little longer until we both fall asleep.

"Tommy I have to goooooooo, my mom will be mad" I whine, struggling to get Tommy's arms off of me. "Noooooooo, just a little longer pleaaaaaseeee" he fake cries. "Fine, only cause I love you"

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