Who confessed first and how

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(Hi everyone! I just noticed while writing this that this book has 1k reads! Thank you! If you have any requests for one shots or preferences please let me know! Thanks again :D)

He did, kinda. He had liked you for a long while and was super anxious about asking you out even though it was very obvious that you both had feelings for each other. He had consulted Phil and Wilbur before doing it because even though he acted like it, he knew nothing about women, and since Phil had a wife, and Wilbur was just, Wilbur, he thought they would be able to give him advice. He was asking them about how to ask you out when without him knowing you came for a surprise visit to return a sweater of his he let you borrow. (Though you didn't want to but you were being nice) you walked and stood with your ear next to the door as he was talking about how much he liked you. You walked in and he let out the most pathetic screech you have ever heard in your life. He quickly shut off his call and stared at you not saying anything.  "H-hey" he says with a very poorly timed voice crack, attempting to get up from his chair and failing and stumbling. You covered your mouth to stop yourself from laughing and end up making this weird 'Pfffffffft' sound. "Hi Tommy" you giggle. "I-I I'm sorry you had to hear that, I understand you probably don't like me back but I just hope we can stay friends" he looks down at the floor and un-ironically does the shy girl thing with his fingers. You laugh and wrap your arms around his torso. He tensed at your touch but calmed down rather fast and returned the hug. "I like you too Tommy" you go on your tippy toes and give him a kiss on the cheek, his face goes red but he has the biggest smile on his face. "POG" he yells and goes and joins the call with Will and Phil again. "I JUST GOT KISSED BY A WOMEN!!!" He screams and then hangs up again. He looks at me and we both laugh hysterically.

Just got kissed by a women, feeling good

He told you.
Toby liked you a lot, and was sitting in his bed while you were talking to Tommy and playing games on his computer while he watched. You were laughing at something Tommy had said and he started to get a little jealous, he wasn't the jealous type. And it was nothing against Tommy, he just wished it was something he said that made you laugh. But either way, just hearing you laugh made him happy enough to push it down as he went back to scrolling though Twitter on his phone. Eventually you ended the call with Tommy and hopped on the bed with Tubbo placing your head on his lap, hoping he would play with your hair, which he did. You both sat there in silence until he said out of the blue. "Y/N, I like you a lot, more then a friend" you sat up and stared at him, trying to see by his facial expression if this was a joke or not. He looked dead serious and you went red, "I, I like you too" he let out a massive sigh "oHmygod thank the Lord" he put his hand over his heart breathing heavy, "I thought I was gonna die, I was so scared" he looks at you and puts his hand on your cheek, "is... Is this okay?" He asks, "yeah" you stutter and you both lean in and kiss. It was warm and and make you feel safe, eventually you pulled away. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks hugging you, "yeah" and you rest your head against his chest.

You were the one who confessed to him, he was way to shy and oblivious to even realize you liked him in the first place. You both lived together, you mostly taking care of him better then he does himself, making sure he eats, sleeps, drinks water, all that. "Hey Techno" you walk into his room with food, it was currently 11pm and he was still working. "Hey, I'm streaming" he tells me and I sigh, "mute yourself, I need to tell you something" I tell him while placing the food down.  "Sure" he pressed the mute button and turns to face me. "What's up" he asks, "you need to go to bed, it's 11 at night and you look exhausted." You sigh putting your hand on his shoulder. "I can't, I have to win the potato war" he tells me. "No! Your health is more important then some stupid war in a game!" You exclaim, getting more frustrated with each word that comes out of your mouth. "Why do you care so much? You should care this much about me, it's not a big deal" he sighs turning around and about to unmute himself. "It's cause I love you, you idiot!" You yell and storm out of the room. He sits there in shock for a minute and ends the stream without saying anything. He loved you too, and you needed to know that. He ran to your room to hear your muffled sobs coming from the other side of the door. He opens it and walks over to your bed where you were laying, he rubs your back and you sit in silence for a moment. "I'm sorry Y/N, I love you too" you lift your head up from your pillow and he gives you a small smile. You smile back and he lays down with you and you sit in silence until you fall asleep.

He did
Wilbur being the show off he is, decided to write you a song to confess his feelings. You were chilling on your computer when from the other room Wilbur started streaming, you were currently watching Philza and chatting with him a bit about random things and overall just vibing, you got a notification saying that 'Wilbur mentioned you on his stream!' (I recently learned that this is actually a thing you can do) the stream was titled 'for you' and Wilbur had his guitar set up and everything, everyone in chat was very confused, believing for it to be at first something for the DreamSMP. But it was clearly not seeing what he was doing, "I wrote a song for a very special someone today, I mentioned them in the stream when I started so hopefully they're here, this is for you" he smiles at the screen and starts singing. You go red, does he mean you? You've liked him a long time and had a hard time believing this was actually for you, even pinching yourself a couple of times to make sure you weren't dreaming. He starts singing and it's clearly a love confession. You can even hear him singing from the other room. You sit there in shock. He has a lovely voice you knew that already. But he was going all out here. As soon as the song ends, so does the stream. I jump up, knocking some of my things over, plus my chair and run to his room, he's sitting there staring at his screen, he finally notices me standing there and gives me a small smile, "did you like it?" He asks tilting his head to the side slightly, "I loved it" I say and hug him.

He did
Nick was always very vocal about things, especially flirting with you, he did it all the time and he knew it drove you insane, he loved seeing you get all flustered, he found it adorable. You would attempt to flirt back but wouldn't be as smooth as you would be stuttering and mumbling almost every time. One of his favorite things to do was use the most cheesy pickup lines to ever exist. They were your weak spot and got you so flustered you wouldn't even be able to speak, just make random noises and cover your face with your hands. "Do you have a map? Cause I keep getting lost in your eyes" he tells her with a wink. She goes red and starts covering her face and making weird squeaking noises. "I uh, thank you" she mumbles moving her hands down from her face. I grab her hands and hold them in mine, they were cold. But slowly started warming up in mine. "Do you like raisins?" He asks, she looks very confused. "Not really?" "Well how about a date then?" He asks, her face explodes in color and she starts low-key freaking out. "oh my God nick" she giggles, "I'm serious" he tells her looking right into her E/C eyes, she looks at him and calms down a little, "really?" She asks, "yes" he responds nodding his head. "I-I would like that" she smiles.

It was very clear you and Karl had something between you, and it was very clear to you both that you liked each other, both of you were just too scared to say anything about it. One day you were laying on his couch listening to some music, he came over and decided to lay on top of you, his head on your chest while you ran your fingers though his hair. He decided to turn on some movie to watch, you both stayed there until a love confession scene came on and the two main characters started kissing. As if you shared the same brain you both turned to look at each other. You both stared into each other's eyes and leaned in, kissing. You both pulled away and since then, you two were together.

You did
You had both liked each other for a while and you were honestly tired of hiding your feelings. One day you two were sitting in his bed doing random things on your phones. You looked up at him and watched him as he scrolled through twitter, giggling and smiling as he scrolled through the dumb shit his friends would post there. Sometimes showing you something he found funny. His smile was so cute and all you wanted was to give him a kiss right then and there. So you did, you crawled over and pecked him on the lips, pulling away quickly as the bost of confidence you got quickly faded away and you realized what you've done. He looks at you, shocked, and you went red and looked down and started playing with the blankets. He got the biggest grin on his face and tackled you to the bed in a hug. "Thank you!" He laughs and you sigh in relief "does that mean you like me too?" You ask hugging him back. "Of course it does! I like you a lot too" you both pull away and laugh.

1850 words

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