Exile Part 2 (TommyInnit)

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Tommy had gotten progressively worse over time. His hair and clothes were messy and ratted and he refused to let me clean them and get him new clothes. Wilbur set up this new campsite called "logsterdshire" or something. It was nice. But Dream usually came to visit and destroy Tommy's mental state even more. Making him get rid of his armor which he worked hard to get and just being a flat out dick.

I walked over to Tommy's tent "tneret", he was sat on his bed holding the compass Wilbur gave him. It was always pointing to Tubbo so they could always find each other. He was crying again, Wilbur was in L'Mamburg visiting everyone and taking pictures for Tommy. I walk over to the bed and sit beside him, putting my head on his shoulder. "Hey" he mumbles placing his head on top of mine "hi" I reply closing my eyes.

We sit there in silence, taking comfort in each others  presence. Tommy runs his fingers over the metal of the compass one last time and the places it around his neck. He took some string and made it into a necklace a bit after he got it so he could wear it everywhere. I could tell it comforted him. Every morning he would look at it, same with before he went to bed. "Hey Tommy" Dream walks in with a smile. I could tell it was bullshit, he was manipulating Tommy every time he came and every time I tried to talk to Tommy about it he went into denial.

Tommy, Dream and I went into the nether cause Tommy wanted to make it easier for people to come visit him. "That must be the reason no one has come! It's not easy to get here!" He exclaimed to Dream, but I knew he was just trying to convince himself that it was the reason why no one has come.

As we get back home, Tommy's face lights up, "you know what, we should have a party where everyone is invited, then they'll have to come see us and we'll have so much fun" he exclaims with a large grin on his face, Tommy could be an idiot sometimes but this idea was pretty smart! Maybe people just thought they didn't wanna intrude on us without premission. "Oh my God yeah!!! That's a great idea Tommy! Where should we do it?" I ask. He runs over to the little beach near our tent. "Riiiiiiiiiiggggght here!" He turns to me, I could see the childlike wonder return to his eyes for just a second and I smiled. "It's perfect" I run over and he picks me up and spins me around and we laugh. "Lets get the decorations set up!"

Dream watches with a smirk on his face. Which we both didn't seem to notice.

Wilbur agreed to go deliver the invitations as we got ready for the party. We set up chairs and umbrellas, Phil came to say hi too. We didn't tell him about the party cause we wanted to keep it a surprise, Tommy and I went to the nether again cause he wanted to make these tiki lights 'like the ones in Finding Nemo' to put it in his words.

I collect some netherrack and go to find Tommy to head back. I find him standing at the edge of a cliff looking over to the lava I could see it through the look in his eyes. He was thinking about jumping. I run over to him and wrap my arms around him pulling him away. He jumps at my touch. "Don't you dare Thomas!" I yell into his back. "You can't leave me! You can't give up now after we've been through so much" "do you think they'll even come? No one has came and visited us ever since we've been exiled, do you think they even care?" He asks blankly "Dream is the only one who has come to visit us" I don't say anything. He was right, no one has come to see us. They all could have. Even before we made a path it was still pretty easy to get too us. Why haven't they?

"I guess" I mumble and we stand there with my arms still around him. "But we have to have hope, maybe they think they shouldn't come uninvited?" I suggest. "I guess so, lets go home" he removes my arms from around him, grabs my hand and we slowly walk back to the portal not saying a word to each other.

We arive back home and start setting up the decorations, not saying a word for hours until it was dark and we had to go to bed. I step inside the tent and sigh thinking over today's events. I hear Tommy step in and he hugs me and we fall onto the bed. "I'm sorry, I've been a real dick" he says with a sigh.  "I'm not alone, even if you were exiled with me, you are still here" I pause, I haven't told Tommy that I came here on my own will, because every time someone has come to try and help him he sees it as 'pitying' and rejects it. So I chose to wait to tell him that I'm here by choice. "Yeah" I say with a frown. Tommy opens his 'Your Tubbo' compass and stares at it for a good half hour without saying anything. I eventually drift off to sleep.

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