7 : Our House, In The Middle Of Our Street

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Gerard's POV :

I closed the door and froze on the spot for a few seconds as I zoned out for a second. My hand remained on the doorknob and I smiled to myself.

Frank is safe - for now. Now, I must move every piece on the board carefully. A child's mind is so beautiful but so fragile and breakable. I must heal Frank and guide him. Make him the best human being he can be - healthy, happy and educated.

I paced around thoughtfully until my feet led me to the kitchen. What I'm doing is illegal. But it's right. It's morally right.

It just had to be done. I'm offering Frank a chance to grow up properly without being abused physically or emotionally. That's what Frank's parents were supposed to do, but they didn't. They are in the wrong, not me.

I am aware of Frank's abuse. I am fully legitimate to intervene. It's my duty to take care of the kid and watch over him. I have to.

"Yet another one." I heard someone sigh behind me, snapping me out of my daydream. I turned around and saw Mikey, leaning back on the counter. "Frank, isn't it?"

"Mikey. Always a pleasure to see you," I uttered with an ounce of sarcasm. "There's something called texting, you know? You should have warned me that you were dropping by. I would have made some coffee."

My brother dismissed my sass. "Why do you always do that, Gee? Take them?"

"Because... You know how Dad used to be. I've seen too many broken families in my years of counseling. I know the feeling, and I can't stand seeing kids suffer like we did. I'll never let what happened to you happen to anyone else," I admitted bluntly.

"That's noble of you, but very illegal. I know you think that what you're doing is better than what his parents are putting him through. Laws exist for a reason. It's not your role to do that."

I ignored my brother and pretended he wasn't there. Mikey sighed. "Gerard, what happened to me is done and you won't change that, no matter how hard you try. Besides, you said the last one would be the last of them."

"Guess I lied, then." I shrugged. "Coffee?"

Mikey looked at me with his arms folded and his eternal pokerface at my not-so-subtle attempt to dodge that conversation.

"Alright, if you're just gonna stand there glaring at me..." I trailed off as I grabbed a single mug for myself.

"I won't get in your way, Gerard, but you know I disapprove."

"Yeah, I started to figure it out..." I smiled to myself. "I have a plan, you know?" I stated more seriously. "Frank won't stay here forever. I know what I'm doing."

"I know you do." Mikey ran a hand though his freshly re-dyed blonde hair.

My coffee was ready. Silence settled, and only my sips and gulping sounds were breaking it. The both of us seemed to be determined to stare at nothing. Eventually, I spoke :

"I had a dream about Dad, last night. The day before I took Frank. 'Nightmare' would be more accurate, though," I confessed, awkwardly staring at my mug. "I just-"

"-Gerard." Mikey interrupted. "You are not Dad. I am not worried that you might ever turn into someone like him and hurt Frank, or any other kid. You're a good man, the most hearty I know. You saved me."

"I guess I did." I smiled sadly. "I don't regret anything, Mikey."

"I know. It's just the concept that's disturbing me. The kid doesn't even realize that what you're doing is illegal. He has no idea of what you got the both of you into."

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