8 : Miss Jackson

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Frank's POV :

He was chasing me and I was desperately trying to run away. He was in the house, I knew it. He's gonna find me !

I felt like suffocating in this wide, completely dark living room. I groped my way out looking for the front door, knowing he was here too. I knew it. And I'm sure he knew I knew. He loved feeling my fear.

Suddenly, I felt it.
A breath on my neck.

If he had a face, I'm sure he would be grinning sadistically, putting on display his bloody, rotten teeth.

I wanted to scream out Gerard's name, to wake him up so he could save me, but no sound would escape my lips. I was mute.

Panicked, I immediately bolted away and locked myself in my new bedroom. It was very dark too. Only the moon pierced through the shutters, bringing tiny strings of silvery light.

The only sound that could be heard was my heavy breathing. Is it... Is it over? Am I safe here?
I took a few step back and froze when the back of my legs met my bed. I could feel each of my blood vessels chill. The silence was just too perfect.

All of a sudden, my ankles were grabbed and tugged so hard that I fell, face against the ground. I felt it. I felt the collision, and his iron grip on me.

I screamed as I lost sight of all light. I screamed my lungs out, like I had never screamed before. I tried to latch onto the floor with my nails but he dragged me effortlessly into his own self-made Hell.

He is, after all, the monster under my bed.

My heart was flying into my chest as I started falling into an absolute void, seeing the light of my bedroom farther and farther away from me along with all hope of making it.
That's when I woke up.

Gerard was in front of me, gripping my shoulders. I was hyperventilating and sweaty, and my heart was pumping so fast it almost hurt.

I looked up at Gerard, still confused and scared. He seemed terribly concerned. He was peering at me intently like he was afraid that I might explode at any second or something.

When our gazes met and he realized that I had calmed down, he sighed in what I guessed was relief and brought me gently against his chest. I was still so stunned and terrified by what had happened that it took me time to process that I was safe, and finally hug Gerard back.

"Shhh, Frankie, everything is alright." Gerard wiped drying tears off my cheeks I hadn't even felt in the first place. He held me safe and warm as I struggled to steady my breath.

"It- it felt so real," I breathed out in horror, hiding in his arms.

"You had a night terror," Gerard informed. "Some sort of power 10 nightmare. These can feel pretty real. Also, you had an... Accident."

Now that I had fully come to my senses, I realized there was something warm, wet and leaky in between my legs. I had wet the bed. Oh no, not again...

I got out of Gerard's grip and got on my knees in front of him. "I-I'm so s-sorry !" I blurted out.

Tears started falling down my cheeks. I ruined everything. Gerard will think I'm a little crybaby who wets his bed for a nightmare and... Oh no, what if he kicks me out?!

I bent down to roll in a little ball and pressed my forehead against the floor. I intertwined my fingers in a ball, holding it at Gerard as to beg for mercy.

"I'm s-so s-s-sorry, that won't happen again, I-I swear ! I-I... Please, f-forgive me !" I begged desperately, hardly forming coherent words though the uncontrollable sobs shaking my entire self.

𝐀 𝐏𝐚𝐰𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 ♛ (𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now