9 : The Master Of The Chessboard

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Gerard's POV :

Frank was growing up well. A few week later, he had completely stopped wetting his bed and having night terrors, which I considered a big win.

It was only psychological, which just goes to show that the mindset can have serious physical consequences. It comforted my opinion that I had made the right choice taking him in.

I think Frank likes living here, even though I'm the only human being he can see. He has made huge progress not only in what I teach him, but also in matters of confidence and maturity.
I am so proud of him.

I had reinstalled the phone in the house because I was sure Frank wouldn't use it for anything other than calling me.

I fixed my tie and checked on Frank. He was slumped in the living room couch, watching TV in his pyjamas. I hadn't expected him to be up so early. Oh, yeah, I also quit locking Frank's door for the night.

"What are you gobbling again?" I snatched the cereal box Frank was about to shove his hand into.

"Hey! That's my food!" Frank tried to utter with a mouth full of cereal.

I looked inside the box. "Frank, you've almost finished the cereal box I bought yesterday !"

Frank looked at me innocently and gave me his brightest smile. "Oopsie?"

I sighed and gave him my 'I'm-tired-of-your-shit' look.

"What? I need to fucking eat. I'm a fucking teenager now, I'm growing up," Frank argued.

"Watch your profanity, young man. No need to curse twice in a sentence," I scolded.

"Hmpff." Frank folded his arms.

"Besides, you need vitamins and stuff like that, and I'm sorry to inform you that there isn't any vitamin C in Kellogg's. And heads up, ketchup is not a vegetable."

"I need calories, Gee..." Frank pouted at me like a sad puppy.

I sighed. "Right. I guess teenage males do need a little extra food. Eat a lot, but eat healthy. Anyway, I'm going to work."

I grabbed my trench coat, Frank stood up and gave me a kiss on a cheek and a quick hug.
He just turned 13 and yet I could already feel the teenage hormones begining to do their work. But he would always be my sweet little Frankie.

"Alright, don't forget to do the homework I gave you, I'll give you a test to do. Oh, and if you could water the plants in your bedroom, that would be nice."

"Sure, don't worry." Frank nodded.

And with that, I grabbed my bag to go to Frank's old middle school. Frank's disappearance had made a lot of noise at first. Belleville was not the biggest town and word spread fast.

Over the months, teachers and students at his school had stopped mentioning this case. This year, it was like Frank had become a forgotten ghost, a rumor.

'Hey, have you heard of that kid that disappeared last year?'
'Do you think he's still alive?'
'I heard he ran away'

The police hadn't found anything so far, but planned on looking for him in different neighborhood, from what I had heard. I wasn't worried, though.

They had interrogated all the people who knew him at school including me of course - considering that I was the person he easily opened to.

The police was so easily fooled. I mislead them simply by telling them the truth : Frank was being abused by his parents, so I wouldn't have been surprised if he had run away.

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