Chapter 18 - Is that what you want Annabeth? For me to die?

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So I've had some cute people commenting wanting some more parts so... I'm doing just that since I have some free time on my hands. Enjoy my babes!

This part is dedicated to puppy_world8910 . I enjoyed your comments dear and I hope you enjoy this part <3


I had kissed Annabeth... And Annabeth had kissed me back.... and we loved each other. Now what?

My brain was a total mush during the ride towards the palace and the only thing I could concentrate on was Annabeth. How her hair was more unruly than usual, how her golden curls captured the last rays of sunlight and a small blush adorned her cheeks. 

"You might want to close your mouth lover boy. There are plenty of flies on the forest." Annabeth broke the comfortable silence, a smile on her cute face.

Annabeth's teasing was something that feels familiar and comforting. Maybe this love thing isn't going to be as complicated as I thought.

"Sure right after you close yours." I could tell Annabeth was staring at me just as much as I was staring at her. "I mean I don't blame you, I am ridiculously hot."

At that she burst out laughing shaking her head in the process. We approached the stables and disposed of the horses, as Annabeth gave some directions to the stable boy. I couldn't help but appreciate her careful tone and her dominating demeanor. She was going to be a great queen one day...

Finishing up with the stable boy, she turned and walked towards me while I did everything in my power not to grab her and kiss her. Chill out Percy. She smiled at me as we both made our way towards the castle, the sun now almost disappearing. As she glanced at me, her eyes were set ablaze from the last embers of the sun.

"Annabeth." I said quietly.

"Hmm?" She stopped and turned to me.

"You're making it very hard for me not to grab you and kiss you." I professed.

This small confession took her by surprise as she took a deep breath, an erratic blush covering her cheeks.

"As much as I'd like that, I think we have to talk." She said in a small voice, clearly flustered.

"Come by my room tonight?" I suggested.

"You're going to get me in trouble." She says her eyebrows scrunching together.

"And what's new in that?" I asked slyly as I moved closer to her.

Her gray eyes widened as she turned and powerwalked away from me. I burst out laughing while she was already half of the way towards the castle. I gathered myself as I ran to catch up to her.

"Annie wait!" Me laughing while saying that did not help my case.

"Could you wipe that grin off your face?" She was annoyed at me, I could see that much. "And don't call me Annie."

  My smile widened at her overall state of annoyance - I loved pushing her buttons.

"I will if you come by my room tonight." I restated.

"No we can talk tomorrow during daylight." She countered.

"We can't." I pressed. "I need my nightly dose of Annabeth or I will get sick and die. Is that what you want Annabeth? For me to die?"

She was trying not to laugh at my shenanigans, took a deep breath and smiled at me.

"What will I do with you Percy?" She shook her head.

"Love me?" I helped out - and yes I helped her out not me, duh.

"That I already do unfortunately." She says, turns around and enters the castle. My heart doubled in size at that.

I love you too Annabeth... more than you can imagine.

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