Chapter 17- Loser

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While I really adored Annabeth, I was not about to let her kill me. When my life is in danger, believe me I don't care that much to be a perfect gentleman, sorry mom.

Forcing a momentum, I overtook Annabeth again. She was absolutely vicious and it seemed that while she was still there, Serene was still very much in control of her. I had to stop her from harming me or herself... mythical creatures like Serene don't particularly care about human lives. While keeping her detained, I called for Blackjack who came trotting down to me.

"Problems with the lady boss?" While many things are weird in this life, being teased by your own horse has to be up there with fighting a psychotic water lady.

"Yeah yeah lower down so I can get the rope on your saddle." 

"Woah boss, you know I never doubt you, but isn't that too rough?" Blackjack whined.

"Blackjack she's possessed! I really don't have time to sit and chat with you right now." I ground out, still trying to tame Annabeth. 

Blackjack lowered himself, I promptly grabbed the rope and continued to tie Annabeth's arms and legs while she thrashed in his hold. Seeing her like this was really hurting me. Having finished my handy work, I turned to Serene who looked very... bored.

"Why are you doing this?" I calmly said.

"Why not? She is about to make the biggest mistake of her life." She scoffed. Of course, why do I even try and reason with an immortal.

"What do you mean?"

"You are charming her. She looks at you and she sees what you can be to her and she is falling for your tricks. I won't let her." Serene frowned.

"Why would you say that? You don't even know us!" I yelled back getting very annoyed at her accusations.

"I know your kind!" She yelled back. "You take and use and pillage and after you're done.... you throw it like a rotten apple. Is that not what you do?"

"No of course not! She is my best friend!" I defended.

"Hah! Your best friend! Lies!" She looked mad. "If she was just a friend, you would not be trying to kiss her."

"I- ...I-...It's complicated, okay?" What was her deal anyway. This was between me and Annabeth.

"You mortals!" Serene scoffed. "As short as your life is, you sure do like to make things complicated. It is not complicated at all. You don't love her and you're using her."

"I am not!" I was furious by now.

"You are!" She countered.

"I'm not she's the most important person in my life!"

"Then why is it complicated?" She calmly stated. "You either love her, or you don't. What is the problem?"

"The problem... is that there is so much pressure." I confessed. "We're sixteen. They are expecting us to marry. I just... I want her to be my best friend. What if... What if I lose her?"

Eyes watery I look up at Serene as she tilts her head and studies my face.

"Would you rather spend the rest of the time on the edge? Wanting to dive in, but never taking the leap? Waiting to see what others say so you can follow or disobey them?"

"No... I don't." I croaked out, a rogue tear spilling out, tracing the length of my face.

"Do you love her?" She slowly asked, her figure by the shore now.

I looked up at her, just a few feet away from me. The viciousness from before was overridden by a smooth concern and tenderness. 

"More than anyone..." I replied confidently. "She's my person, my better part. I don't think I could ever be happy without her."

At that a genuine smile took over Serene's features as the only thing I could hear was the wind around me.

"Please, please let her come back to me." I pleaded with her.

"I don't have to." She said a smile still on her face.

What was she trying to do?

Her gaze fixed somewhere behind me. I turned to follow her focus point, my eyes on Annabeth's look of complete shock. The ropes I tied her with were loose on the ground around her legs.

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked fearfully.

A beat passed.

"All... All of it." She finally said. The world around me seemed unstable. Was she about to break my heart? My head fell forward, hiding my face from her indiscernible look. A small hand came into my view, grabbing my chin and lifting my head up. I came face to face with a pair of stormy gray eyes.

"Did you mean what you said?" She asked sternly.

"I..." I thought about denying it. I thought about lying and playing games and all the jokes in the book. But I couldn't. Not when she was looking right at me. "I did. Every word and more."

Giving a small nod, she came closer to me. Eyes wide and full of questions, of wonder about what this could mean and what came next. I could almost feel her heartbeat.

"I love you too Seaweed Brain." She whispered. "More than anyone in the world."

At that, we closed the distance between us. Her soft lips met mine in a warm kiss, a kiss that melted me on the inside, my scary thoughts, my doubts and my fears. Because a kiss like that spoke a thousand words and if I could feel less I might have been able to talk about it more.

Soon we pulled away, both blushing like little kids. I took a hand, lacing my fingers in hers and kissing her hand, prompting us to share another smile.

"Cool." Serene stated. "My job here is done. Go run along now you lovebirds."

"What do you mean your job?" Annabeth stole that question right out of my mouth.

"Oh yeah, I'm an Erotes. I mean, I haven't been one in centuries, ever since I became a Lady of the Lake but I quite like to dabble into matchmaking every now and then." She states like nothing happened.

"You mean you're a love deity?" Annabeth inquired.

"Yup." Serene confirmed

"And you wanted to play matchmaker?" I continued.


"And you decided to use us as an experiment for your own entertainment???" Annabeth basically yelled at her.

"Calm down sweet cheeks. Besides making your boyfriend here confess, I did not temper at all with either of your feelings." Serene stated calmly.

"Why would you interfere? I was going to kiss her." I confessed.

"Oh hunny no, you weren't." Serene explained. "I felt your hesitation at the last second and decided to take things into my own hands. You lovebirds really needed a push to admit your feelings for each other."

"Thanks I guess..." I tried to diffuse the situation. Annabeth was as confused as I was.

"You are very welcome." Serene gave a wonderful smile. "You are a very cute couple."

"Thank you?" Annabeth replied.

"You're welcome." Pride was written in Serene's features at her 'amazing' success. "Okay I have to go now. Bye and don't be strangers!"

With that she dissolved into a puff of water droplets, leaving us in each others company.

"So that was weird?" Annabeth half-stated, half-asked.

"Super freaking weird." I confirmed.

"First one to the horses is a rotten egg?" She challenged.

"You're on!" I accepted. "I love you."

"I love you too Seaweed Brain but I will not let you win this." She teased.

"Dam it!" I yelled as I chased after her, grabbing her before she got to the horses. She turned around and wrestled me to the ground, a look of victory in her face and a look of admiration of mine. Giving me a loving kiss and yelling "Loser!" to my face, she got up and reached the horses.

Yep, luckiest guy alive.

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