Chapter 2 - Playing house

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Percy POV

So we danced and ate and greeted guests, maintaining our posture and behaved like proper royalty every step of the way. Mom should be very  proud of me, I mean handsome and polite... What are the odds right? 

However I still don't know the reason for this ball. Usually there was a motive and mom said that we would talk about this tomorrow along with Annabeth and her parents. Since they were included I thought it would be something important.

So here we were in a room of the palace filled with couches that gave a more home-like vibe, me and mom on one side and the other royal family on the other.

I looked at Annabeth, as if questioning whether she had any idea of what this was, but she just shrugged. We had this thing talking through eyes or subtle motions that could come in handy some times. You know you are best friends when you develop this sense.

"You are probably wondering what are you doing here today." Athena started. "Well this discussion is very important to us, you and the entire Kingdom, so please stay quiet and pay attention."

I could tell Annabeth was a bit worried as if she knew what this was about, but judging by the scrunch of her eyebrows, she wasn't very sure or wasn't pleased with her hypothesis, as she called her constant over thinking . Me on the other hand had no clue whatsoever. 'Typical Percy' would say Annabeth, sporting a smug look on her cute face. Sadly she would be  right and I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"You see kids we rule two powerful kingdoms that have been allies for a long time. However we have differences and in order to obliterate them, so our kingdoms can be prosperous and wealthy, we have to rely on other means too. Means that could solve this problem forever. That solution would be a.... union. "

" What? " Annabeth shrieked.

" Dear, settle down." Athena ordered. "And listen."

Annabeth nodded absentmindedly, fighting the urge to burst into a series of ranting. I could tell by the way she was fidgeting. I tried to capture her gaze, asking through my eyes what was wrong. But she wouldn't look at me and I instantly knew it was huge. Let's hope it's not as bad as it looks and maybe everything is okay and she is overreacting .

But by the terrified look on Annabeth's face it seemed like this was far from it. I braced myself for the worse.

"The solution to this situation would be for our descendants to forever link our kingdoms through the act of marriage. " She finished.

My face was blank, mouth wide open and dead fish eyes. I wasn't thinking, my brain dead. That was what she was thinking. Annabeth's expression mirrored mine, even though more angry, rather than surprised.  I realize she had figured this out earlier.

" No! "  me and her yelled at the same time.

What were they thinking? How... What? I couldn't marry Annabeth. She was my best friend and we were twelve. Were they insane? I mean sure Annabeth was pretty and one of a kind and all that jazz, but I didn't like her like that. Again...What?

" This is not something that can be discussed. It is set in stone and it was arranged ever since you two were born." She said with no emotion whatsoever. "Of course you will not be expected to delve into this right now. You will marry after your eighteenth birthdays and you will become the image of this union. This is non-negotiable. You are still very young and will have time to develop feelings and whatnot." She waved her hand dismissively. How could Athena be so on board with this when she couldn't stand the sight of me.

I couldn't do or say anything. I was shocked to my very core. My whole life had been planned from the moment I was born and I had no say in this. Was dad into this too? Of course he was. Athena was a lot a thing, a liar sadly not being among them. I couldn't believe this. This had to be some kind of twisted nightmare. I couldn't even look at Annabeth right now. She was probably as shaken up as I was. What about our friendship? Would I lose all I had with her over this? I mean sure we fought so much all the time, but we also made up. Always. She would always win me over with her smart ways and adorably terrifying eyes. I absolutely adore her and she was annoying at times but still.... If we fell apart because of this I'd miss her. The way she studied me with her analyzing eyes. How she made me read annoying books. How she would refuse to kill spiders in her room and come get me to get rid of them while she waited outside. But I could not see her any other way.

We had to leave today and I didn't have time to talk to her. Trust me I tried. I went to her room and knocked and called her on the other side of her door but I got nothing back. Not even a single word. So I let my head hang and made my way to my room flopping on my bed, staring at the sky through the window on my left.

After this year I would not be coming back for quite some time. I had to start my training and studies to prepare for my future as an heir to the throne. It would last four years. Four years away from home and away from Annabeth, since I had to be relocated to a special place up north something like an Academy for court members but only for boys . It was where all the men of my family completed their training and they sure enough became successful rulers. I could only hope to be as good as them. No matter what, I'd do my best to be a worthy prince and I would focus to make it through. It would be difficult and tiring but it had to be done and it would benefit me on the long run. As much as Annabeth would object, I'm not stupid and I know I need to do this.

Without realizing I had fallen asleep. For a blissful moment I believed it was all a dream, product of my twisted brain. But I knew better than that. This was no dream. I was leaving soon, Athena had broken the news that me and Annabeth were engaged to be married and Annabeth hated my guts. Now I realize that the ball the other night was about this, our early engagement or something like that. Twisted people celebrating the engagement of two twelve year-olds. What is wrong with them?

Soon enough me, mom and Tyson said our goodbyes. Mom and Ty would be coming back without me next year and every year after that. I couldn't help but wonder, will this be the end of us? Can we come back from this? She still hadn't talked to me, that know-it-all. This was so infuriating and depressing and I couldn't do anything about it. I could just hope for things to stay the same. But I know that won't. Nothing ever does.


Annabeth POV

I was shell-shocked, wordless and overall disappointed of everything: of my mom, of these barbaric ways, of the inevitable future.

How could I not see this coming? Well for once I hoped that our family's intelligence would resort to better alternatives. The women of my family were known for their inherited intelligence and overall resourcefulness, but my mother had failed that and me. This, or my judgement was clouded due to my part in all this.

What is she thinking? I can't marry Percy. The boy is my best friend and I like him but I don't like-like him. We grew up together for gods sake. We can't go from that to life partners.

His look told me he was thinking the same. Can our friendship survive through this? He kept his sea-green eyes trained on the floor, his hair a disheveled black mess. Sure he was cute and all but not like that. We are only twelve. What on earth are the so-called adults thinking?

We didn't even have time to talk about this. Well he tried to talk to me. He came up to my door, knocking restlessly and calling my name over and over again. But I couldn't face him now. I need time and I knew if I had talked to him I'd say something I would most likely regret.

He would leave soon and this time for four years. I always missed him when he left and this time it would be unbearable. Stupid preparation course.

All I could hope for is that he doesn't change that much. Because if he changes without me then maybe we will fall out. That stupid boy. He is making me so mad right now. We didn't even have a proper goodbye. Just perfect. Way to go Annabeth. I'm so happy about my life right now I could dance. And now I'm resolving to sarcasm, a thing I always do when I'm mad.

OK just breathe in and out. Things will not change. Breathe. He will not forget about you. Breathe. Four years will go by in a blur. Yeah right. And when he returns we will continue on like always.


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