Chapter 13 - Percy dive

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Hola peeps

New chapter - but it's more of a filler. Will try to put out another one within the week. 

Lots of love babes!



Annabeth POV

I'm loving this feeling. The serenity that follows a night of peaceful sleep, the cocoon of warmth that envelops me into itself and the quietness of it all. Last night I had such a good night sleep and most importantly without any nightmares. Quite the contrary... I envisioned dreams of golden fields, loved ones and laughter and a pair of incredibly easy to identify green eyes. A lazy smile conquered my face as I relished in the moment.

A moment that sadly ended way too soon...

My bedroom door opened slowly, followed by a most annoying creaking sound. Footsteps pattered against the floor and then the door was closed again. Someone was in my room but I still kept my eyes closed pretending I was still asleep. Honestly I wanted nothing more then to yell at them to go away. So maybe if I pretend to be asleep the-

"Wake up Wise Girl." A certain voice came, a voice that I was entirely too familiar with. Nonetheless I would not budge or wake up. 

"Wakeee uuuuppp." Came the same sing-songy voice, this time a bit closer.

"Annieeee." I groaned internally but still wouldn't budge.

"Huh even that didn't work? " He pondered out loud. Hah sucker. "If you don't wake up right now, I will crush you to the bed like we were kids. Do you remember 'Percy dive'?"

No! No he must be bluffing. Dear God that was the most annoying thing he would do as a kid. Whenever he was up and I wasn't, he would come into my room and he would do a 'Percy dive' which basically consisted of an annoying Seaweed Brain jumping on top of me when I was asleep and basically cause me internal bleeding, while the punk would just wheeze out laughing. Get the picture? And back then we were roughly the same build - except I was a bit taller. Hoping that he would get the idea that if he did that right now he would make me break one or multiple bones, I said nothing. Surely he can't be that childish right?


Because out of nowhere my body was crushed by a concrete wall - scratch that by a Percy wall that weighed a ton and I had no other option then to let out a very embarrassing shriek followed by an exclaimed "Percy!" which in turn made the idiot burst out laughing instead of moving away from me. What is wrong with that boy?

"Move!" I whisper yelled at him, however turning my head to look at him, the dumbo was sprawled on top of me, a bit too close for comfort.

"Nope. I'm very comfortable." He explained calmly and pressed his head against my shoulder. 

"Percy you are crushing me. " I tried not to blush.

"Shut up you love it. " I couldn't see his expression, but I can bet he was smirking like a jerk right now. He moved his arms around my waist and kept himself steady.

"Percy I swear to the Gods!" Trying to release myself from him proved to be close to impossible, so with the intention of releasing my internal organs from the weight, I tried to roll him away from me. 

As soon as he lost his concentration, I pushed on his shoulder which effectively made him roll on his back and move his weight off of me. However since I cannot seem to win, he had secured his arms around me and in turn pulled me on top of his dumbo self.

"Percy!" I whisper yelled and tried to keep my blushing at bay.

He smiled at me and I could see the mischievous thoughts forming in his head. 

"Feisty! If you wanted to be on top you could've just asked you know?"

At that I slapped him upside the head and got myself off of him. Oh so now he lets me go?

"I swear sometimes you get unbearably-"

"Hot?" He interrupted me. That earned him another slap.

"I'm going to go into the bathroom and you better leave before I get back." At that  I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me. What is it with him being so childish? And most importantly what is it with me being so affected by him?

Looking at the mirror, a flustered blonde girl in a nightgown looks back at me. I almost face-palmed at the realization that Percy had seen me in this flimsy nightgown. Pushing that thought away, I quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on my bathrobe. I really hope that Seaweed Brain left my room since it would be yet another awkward situation to put into the ever-growing pile of embarrassing situations between Percy and yours truly.

Walking out of the  bathroom I inspected the room, finding no one there. Letting out a huge breath I noticed a small letter by my vanity. I narrowed my eyes but reached out to get it anyways.

"It was fun sleeping together.  xp

Get ready and come have breakfast because we have somewhere to go. Don't ask it's a surprise. 

xoxo Gossip Girl

PS. You look very cute when you're angry in the morning.

I couldn't help but flush red at his remarks and laugh at his antics. Percy, Percy what will I do with you?

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