Chapter 8 - Damn you awesome body and irresistible personality

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It felt like I had been wandering for years, looking and hoping for nothing from this dark place that was eating up my soul. It is the closest thing to what it might feel to wander the Fields of Asphodel, the place in the Underworld that ordinary or indifferent souls ended up in according Greek mythology. I always feared that you know, the thought of being insignificant. I dreaded it and being here doing this felt hopeless. Was this a vision of my future , of what will happen after I die or is it just a spawn of my overworking imagination?

"Annabeth! "

This is exactly why I hated my gifts. I never knew what was the truth and what was not, so I lived in fear, haunted by the images of what came to me in my dreams. I started crying. I don't deserve this, no one does. This dark feeling of not knowing , keeping me down, drowning me, pulling me further. I closed my eyes.

"Wake up Annabeth!"

I want to but I don't know how. Help me!

"It's okay, it's just a dream."

I hope so but I can't help myself. Please....

"Wise Girl?"

I need you Percy.

After that everything blurred. I couldn't see past my tears. I was alone in the dark and I could feel my tears rushing out, my cheeks wet and eyes completely useless. 

I felt warmth against my cheeks wiping away my tears. It felt so comforting that more tears spilled out , if that was even possible.

"Are you okay?" He sounded worried and I could picture his confused and sad face.

"You're here." I sobbed and gave a bone-crushing hug to the faint and blurry silhouette my tear-draped eyes could make. He was a little taken aback, but hugged back. I felt his warm, soft skin and just hugged even tighter. I was in desperate need of his warmth and protection.

"Shshshsh it's okay. Please don't cry, Annie." He kept  rubbing my back. I didn't make sense of anything else besides his presence and comfort.

I had to calm my breathing and heart beating. I focused on him, keeping him as my anchor, grounding my tattered soul. I tried to even my breaths with his and calm my heart. My eyes were slowly drying but I didn't want to let go.

"You didn't mind me calling you Annie." He sighed. "Was it that bad?"

I nodded because my voice was bound to betray me. I felt him take a deep breath.

"You don't want to talk do you?"

I shook my head. He chuckled a little and I smiled against his neck, still lying beside him on his bed, attached to him like he was my life source. He started playing with my hair and caressing it. That was incredibly soothing and gave me time to gather myself. But I wasn't ready to talk and he knew that so he gave me time. 

"Remember when we were kids?" He chuckles "We were nine I think. My horse had just died and I was so sad. Do you remember him? He was sand- colored with big brown eyes and his slightly-darker mane. I loved him and you teased me for calling him Sandy."  He laughed at that. I smiled a bit too. 

"The point is he was my best friend at the time and I was devastated, crying like a little girl- as you so nicely put it- and distanced myself from everything." He took a deep breath. "But you didn't give up on me, tried to make me laugh and happy and promised me you would always be there for me, no matter what. And that was what really helped me get through that." 

He was silent for a moment. 

"I will be always here for you Annabeth and you can trust me with everything. I know you know this but I... wanted to remind you. Okay Wise Girl? "

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