Chapter 6 - So you're Raven and I'm little mermaid

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Percy POV

"How did you do that?" She asked, curiosity overwhelming her features. Oh god there was no escaping her when she put on that face. It's the face she has when there is something she can't figure out and she will keep pushing and pushing until she gets to the bottom of things. But she can't know yet. Can she?

"Do what?" Yep, play dumb. That may throw her off course and channel her anger. She hated it when I was clueless, which by the way happened a lot.

"You are trying to play dumb so you will throw me off course aren't you? " Dammit she saw right through me. "You did the same when I asked you where my goldfish was and it turned out you killed it."

Seriously though, that happened when we were like eight and it was not on purpose. We were playing hide and seek and I was running and accidentally pushed the aquarium, crashing it to pieces and killing some innocent fish on my way. I still feel bad about it but clearly Annabeth hadn't let go of it. Of course not. She remembers everything and every single detail, which is awesome for her but bad for me since she remembers pretty much every dumb and/or evil thing I have ever done. And believe me when i say that there are a lot of them. I mean boys will be boys right?

"That was an accident." I defended.

"Oh 'cmon you are so full of... That was not an accident and you will forever be a killer. But that is not the point. The point is you are trying to hide something from me but we both know that I can read you like a freaking book." She stated completely confident in herself. And she was cussing which meant that under that tough exterior she was boiling with anger.  "And you will tell me what it is. Is it that big that you are trying to hide it from me? You never hide anything from me. Ever. Or better yet you can't."   She finished her little rant completely inferior to my vain attempts. But she was so right about every thing it was ridiculous and I was hopeless. I let out a breath.

Why did she have to be so smart?

"I don't know what you are talking about." If she didn't let go I wouldn't let go either. But honestly I was barely holding on.

She hoped off her high horse- literally her high horse you guys- tying his rope in a nearby tree and headed towards me. Her pace was calm and even but threatening like a predator approaching its prey. And believe me; she is a cunning predator at the top of the food chain. Unfortunately for me, I was her prey.

"You insult my intelligence Percy." I she said with a blank face, but her eyes were electric.

"I'm not talking about this." And with that I started looking everywhere but her. This forest trail was pretty awesome. There were big-trunked trees everywhere and green leaves overpowering the branches not letting any direct sunlight reach the ground . And there was this never seizing noise that can't be quite defined. Let's call it the noise of life made up by tinny movements and cricket-like sounds. It would be very calming if not for the sticky situation I'm into right now.

"A-ha! So there is something to talk about."  Dammit.  "Let's talk."

"You can't make me do anything Annabeth." I crossed my arms in front of my chest, not wanting to let go.

"I don't want to make you do anything you don't want Percy. But I think you want to tell me. Deep down you know you do. " She looked straight into my eyes while nodding her head slightly.

" Yes I want to tell you." Wait what? I shook my head. "No I don't." 

What is going on here? Why was I so tempted to tell her everything.

She walked slowly leisurely, until she was an arms length away. "But you do. You will feel so much better. You can trust me Percy. This is eating you up inside. Tell me. "

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