Chapter 9 - Two can play that game

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"Good morning!"  I greeted before I sat down for breakfast. They returned with their own versions of the greeting. I chuckled inwardly. 

"Aren't we late Annabeth?" She said we, but she meant me. Ah, my dear ever judging mother.

"I apologize mother. " I smiled sheepishly. You see since I didn't sleep that much, I overslept and got late to breakfast. Here we go.

" This is unlike you dear. Have you been sleeping well?" She gave me a look.

She knew about my nightmare and visions and all that so she probably thought I was having episodes. She was right of course, so I just nodded, she understood and gave me a sympathetic look. There have been plenty of times that I had been haunted and tortured by them and the worst is that I didn't know how to control them. It is so frustrating having things out of your control.

But how had I slept really? Bad because of the dreams and great because of Percy. I mean because Percy was there to help me with them. Not because I loved being cuddled. Or because he was perfectly shirtless. Wow, creepy much !

Speaking of the devil himself, where was he?

"Where is Percy? "

My mother gave me this shameless smile that was so unlike her it absolutely baffled me. I glared in return and scoffed. Get your mind out of the gutter mother!

Well you did spend the night in his room, don't act so all-righteous. My inner voice countered oh-so-wisely.

Bah, that was an accident, plus I was caring for him and I should be proud of myself for being there for him. I mean not many people would sacrifice a good night's sleep to care for a poor sick soul like him. I mentally patted myself on the back.

Keep telling yourself that. You loved being...

Shut up!

Great now I was debating with myself. I'm losing it people. And everyone around me were talking without me paying attention.

"---so all in all he is feeling a lot better and should be joining us shortly. He said he needed to freshen up and I could tell he was in a great mood. However I don't know how he healed in such a short period of time. " She  had this confused face.

" Yes, a mystery indeed!" My dear helpful mother added. Oh my god could you be more obvious? Like for example put a flashing sign near my head! Geeze!

Meanwhile Percy entered the room and was making his way towards the table, smiling as if everything was right with this twisted world. I felt all fuzzy. Wait, what?

" Good morning everyone!" He beamed excitedly.

"Aren't you looking happy this morning for someone that was greatly ill the other day? " Mother teased him, giving me a look. She can't know, can she? Oh great I'm still in denial.

Apparently Percy was taken off guard. He lowered his head a bit, looking embarrassed sporting a small smile, while my mother's grin widened. Way to play it cool Seaweed Brain! What does that woman know exactly? I lowered my head trying to avoid looking at her. Oh my god!

"Y-yes your majesty. I feel much better." He said and looked at me. You dumbo, look away! I froze, smiled a little and avoided my gaze from him. Am I blushing? My mother chuckled. Great! Wait what? Great Athena chuckled? Never in my sixteen years of miserable existence- yep I'm overdoing it- have I heard my mother do that. God, she knew something or everything at this point. Does she have cameras in his room? That would explain a lot.

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