Chapter 1 - Best Friends right?

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"Percy Jackson was the bravest, most awesome and handsome fighter there was. A true hero. Every creature feared his might and every lady adored him and..."

"Percy! " The annoying kid complained. Argh, he never let me finish my stories.

" What? "

" Every time you put me to bed you tell me this story. "

" And? It is amazing. It has heroism, adventure and... "

" And it's made up. You are not a hero. You are twelve years old. " Tyson frowned.

" But one day I will be. And you can't tell me what to do." I grinned. "You are five and you will do what I say. Besides all stories are made up. " God I loved being the oldest. 

"Meanie. " He murmured.

" What was that? Should I tell mom or will you sleep? " I just watched as his face blanked, fear covering his features and he shook his small head. I knew he would fall for that. He always did. Well, that was partially my fault. I may or may not have convinced him that mom transforms into Medusa at night and if he upsets her, she would turn him to stone or something like that. Yep, totally not my fault. Mu-ha-ha.

" N-No. I'll be good. I'll sleep. " The poor kid stuttered. I tried not to laugh.

" Hey Perce! "

What now?
" Yes? "

" Why can't I come to the ball tonight? I really want to. "He murmured while giving me the most convincing puppy eyes he could muster.

But I knew his game very well. Don't con the conman kid. "Because Ty, you're a little kid. And kids are not invited. "

He sighed. "Will dad be there? "

"Nah, he and the queen do not get along very well. Now sleep. I have to go. "
I tucked him in his bed and got up to leave his room.

" Sleep tight Tay-Tay. " I whispered.

" Good night. " He answered back while yawning.

My baby brother might be a pain, however he was cute and adorable. But don't worry guys, I'll corrupt him before his eighth birthday.



Insert evil smirk here please.

I ran to my room to get ready for the ball. As soon as I entered I saw my mom - who was readying my outfit for the night - looking a bit mad. Probably because of me. She looked up and frowned. Yep, definitely because of me.

I smiled sheepishly and approached her.
"Percy, where on earth were you? You were supposed to prepare yourself! Is this behavior worthy of a prince?" She ranted while somewhat flailing her arms. It was kinda funny to be honest.

Obviously she was upset. Thank you Captain Obvious.
" You know how Queen Athena isn't particularly fond of your father, since he will be absent tonight ." She continued while putting a small white piece of cloth into my jacket pocket. I shudder at how pansy that is.  "Do you really want to displease her? "

"I was just putting Ty to sleep. Plus I don't really like her. I think she is mean to me. She doesn't like me at all. "

I know Queen Athena and her husband King Frederick ruled an impressive and strong kingdom, but she disliked my dad and my dad is my hero. I don't even know why they don't get along. I mean my dad is a King too, and he is just as powerful, and controls as much as she does. And my mom grew up with queen Athena, as her loyal best friend which is why we spend 2 months  of each year in her palace.  

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