Chapter 16 - Did not see that coming

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We raced through the forest, laughing and fighting all the way until we reached an open space. Turning to focus on the view in front of me, I couldn't help but watch in amazement at the wonderful surroundings. There in front of us, was a beautiful crystal-like lake, whose timid waves washed quietly towards the sandy shore. The greenery of the forest and the meadow melted into the light blue of the lake that seemed to stretch for miles. I was so impressed I couldn't help the smile that conquered my features.

"Do you remember?" A voice awakens me.

Turning to look at him, I smiled and nodded my head. This place was filled with so many memories, I couldn't forget even if I tried.

"Nah, not at all." I joked which brought a smile on Percy's face.

"This is where I met this super annoying know-it-all little girl." He scoffed playfully. "She was so obsessed with me."

That earned him a slap on the arm and a shared chuckle.

"Yeah and this is where I met the most frustrating little boy." I quipped. "Who would know he would become one of the most important people in my life?"

Turning to look at him, his face showed pure admiration as he crossed the small space between us, giving me one of his famous bear hugs. Resting my head on his chest, his heart was beating so fast it made me smile. What are you so nervous about Percy?

We pulled away shortly, but still our arms around each other. His eyes kept switching between my eyes and my lips, something that was making me more nervous, yet excited with each passing second.

"Annabeth..." He whispered, slowly closing the space between us.


Percy's POV

Her eyes were just captivating. They have always been and always will be, but right in this moment I can't help but feel controlled by them as I held her in my arms. 

"Annabeth..." Her eyes were calling to me and I just couldn't run away from this any longer.

And then all of the sudden her eyes become pitch black. 

"Annie!" I exclaimed in her face. What the hell was happening?

She looked like a zombie in a heartbeat. Did I do something? Oh Gods what is wrong with her?

"Why are you not my servant yet boy?" A melodic voice called out.

Turning my head towards the direction of the voice, I encountered nothing but the lake and the forest. Where did the voice come from?

"Show yourself monster!" I decided it had to be a monster, a vile creature that I would in no way let go so easily. Especially after what they did to Annabeth.

"How dare you you insolent fool!" The voice shrieked as a woman materialized of water droplets in the middle of the lake.

What the Hades was going on here?

"Who are you?" I asked somewhat dumbfounded as I took in her appearance. She was dressed in flowing clothes and seaweed, which if you ask me isn't the most comfortable thing you can wear. Her hair was long and strangely enough completely dry, adorned with pearls and some kind of a tiara.

"Oh you puny mortal." She scoffed. "How dare you not know your master?"

"My master? What are you talking about?" I asked somewhat dumbfounded.

"You little insect." She seemed pretty pissed off to say the least. "I am the ruler of this lake and forest. You little mortals may know me as Serene, the Lady of the Lake, but nonetheless I am your ruler and you are nothing but my brainless servants. This was what the almighty Poseidon wanted after all."

"What the Hades are you even going on about?" Now I was pissed off at her. "Return me my Annabeth and go back to the hole you crawled out off."

Her eyes were set ablaze all of the sudden. Yep, someone hates me alright. 

"It seems that my powers are not working on you, otherwise you would be nothing but a brainless doll. You must have earned Poseidon's favor somehow." She scoffed.

"Yep I have, now return me Annabeth and run along."

At that a dangerous smirk covered her face as she looked at Annabeth for a brief second and then back at me. I didn't have time to question anything as I felt Annabeth move and instantly slap me across the face. Damn that hurt!

Turning to look at her she was still devoid of any human emotion, black eyes dominating her features. It seemed like she was not in control of herself as she retracted her arm and gave me another slap to match the other side.

"Annabeth what the Hades are you...?" At that I turned to look at Serene. "Are you making her do this?"

"Well I really don't want to get contaminated by all your humanly germs so Annabeth will be helping me end your miserable existence." She finished with a smirk.

What was wrong with this lady?

"I swear to Gods if you don't stop this now I will personally end you." I threatened. I wasn't gonna kill her but I don't think she would respond well to a tame threat.

"We will see about that." She said, disdain obvious in her voice.

At that Annabeth lunged at me as I dodged her oncoming rush, moving to the side. She turned back and tried again, this time fists ready. I managed to grab her wrists with my own hands but let me tell you she did not like that as she fought with her feet.

"Annabeth please stop!" I tried again and again to make her see reason or somehow snap out of it.

When she tried to knee me, I had to bring her down so I could hold all of her limbs back. I can't wait for all those bruises to show.

Annabeth was strong but this mind control thing was making her unpredictable which was extremely dangerous and she seemed unable to control herself. As I immobilized her against the ground by pinning her down with my body, I tried to make her reason.

"Annabeth please snap out of it." For a fraction of a second her eyes switched back to her gray ones before turning back to the soulless black. 

She was still in there! I just had to wake her up. Please Annie work with me on this. Use that big brain of yours.

I wasn't going to fight with her anymore, as I let go of restraining her legs and arms and just hugged her. If this wasn't bringing her back, I don't know what will.

"Please come back to me." I whispered to her as she quieted down, wrapping her arms around my neck.

The next thing I know, we roll over as a very black-eyed zombified Annabeth is straddling me, arms around my neck and trying to choke me. Yep, did not see that coming.

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