Chapter 1

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Y/n pov :

I hear the sound of chatter hit me as soon as I step onto the hogwarts express train.

Brand new year, brand new school, brand new life.

I take a seat in a empty spot and slide my bags underneath the table.

I sigh and watch the rain drip down, rolling on the window.

I hear a cough and turn my head around quickly, there stood a 5' 7 tall girl with dark brown hair and a 5'9 tall guy with brown hair and dark eyes.

" Hey I'm Pansy and this is Blaise" She says.

I mutter " hi , im y/n ",

blaise looks at me like I was his new prey and immediately takes a seat on the other side of me.

Soon so does pansy, she calls over another person, " draco!" and pulls over a guy with platinum blond hair, a black suit which was hot and a suitcase.

I reach up to my hair and push a strand behind my ear, when I look back up u see draco looking back at me intenstly.

I hear someone shuffle in there seat and my eyes snap to them, Pansy was looking at me in.. jelousy???

Then it hit me. She likes Draco.

Well I couldn't care less, im done with relationships and boys.

" So your new right?" Blaise asks.

"Yeah, my first day" i smile.

Draco cuts blaise of before he replied and asks " So what house do you want to be in? "

I think about it and decide "Slytherin probably"

He smirks but stays quiet fiddling with his button on his suit.

The train stops and I follow blaise as we get off. Pansy volunteers to give me a tour and I accept gratefully.

" This is our slytherin common room, im sure your in slytherin because I heard proffesor snape say something about another room for a new student here."

I nod for her to keep going "

Oh! We can't be late for Proffesor dumbledores meeting in the hall! "

She exclaims. " Let's go" I tell her.

We both rush off the the halls and i sit on a bench next to some random kid.

" WELCOME BACK! Today we have a new student starting here at hogwarts." Dumbledore shouts.

" y/n L/n please take a seat underneath the sorting hat." Proffesor Mogonagal says.

I stand up slowly and walk over to the hat. Hundreds of eyes following my every move, I i take a seat and a deep breath.

" Hmm this ones hard, hard-working....Anxious are we? The brown dusty hat whispers to me.

" a bit" i choke out.

" Better be SYLTHERIN" It screams.

I look up from my hands to see the slytherin table cheering except for a figure at the back.

I hop off the seat and walk over to the bench to take a seat.

" This is the part where we can eat as much as we want " pansy whispers to me chuckling, then the words linger in my mind.

' your to fat already '

damn Nathan for screwing up my whole life.

You might be thinking holl up back tf up.

Well.. Nathan was my ex boyfriend. He was the best at first, sweet, caring, protective.

Then he got really protective of me and stupid me thought it was out of love.

He started choosing what i should wear, suggesting for me to stop hanging out with a few guy friends.

Telling me to stop talking to people. And the day I said No was the day he hurt me physically, for the first time.

He messed with my brain saying u deserved it or he felt betrayed that u spoke to guy friends.

So i said sorry. I WAS SUCH AN IDIOT.

I did nothing wrong. But at the time, I always thought my manipulating, toxic, abusive boyfriend was right..

He was the first boyfriend i had. And the last.

I snap back into reality from my thoughts as pansy asks me why I'm not eating.

" im not hungry" I reply with a small smile.

Then i feel a tap on my head, it felt like someone was trying to get in.

I recognised it from when my brother tried reading my mind and immediatly put a wall up.

My eyes scanned everyone on the slytherin side too see who wanted to read my mind but u didn't see anyone looking at me.

This told me to keep my guard up at all times.

After about an hour of me thinking of the mind reading person, pansy nudges me lightly and motions for me to follow her.

We walk to the slytherin commen room and she whispers " pureblood" to the door.

It opens and u hear laughing.

" Guys this is y/n, y/n this is well you already know blaise, me and draco, this is goyle, Crab, jacob and mattheo.

The others are going to be here later.

I nod and look at them.

Goyle smiles at me, u do the same back . Crab is talking to draco, jacob glances at me and mutters a hi , and Mattheo.. he looks at me with an emotionless expression for a few seconds.

" im a bit tired im going to sleep pansy" I quickly say.

I felt the tapping on my head again.

Their in this room?

Or is everyone trying mind read me.

I put my walls up again and pansy shows me my room im sharing with her then walks away after muttering a bye.

I unpack my clothes and put on a comfy outfit before sliding onto my bed.

I grab the blankets and pull them over me before dozing off.

I wake up to pansy shaking me telling me to hurry up.

Damn this girl just ruined my peace.

I got up, had a quick shower , brushed my teeth and hair and dressed into my robe and clothes before walking out the room after pansy.

Blaise looks at us and runs after me. " y/n! Want me to show you were snapes class is "

" Um. Thanks but pansy showed me during the tour blaise" I reply.

He mutters a okay but walks by the side of me.

He then does something i never expected him to do. He pushes me against the wall and his breath fans my neck.

" y/n you know your so fuc*ing hot" u wriggle out of his grip and walk off after saying ," i know im hot".

I hear chuckles and someone saying " Zabini you just got rejected."

I laugh and open the door to potions.

To see someone talking with Proffesor snape. Once i saw the face, my eyes went wide..

My older brother, sh*t

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