Chapter 11

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I wake up to a huge headache, as expected. I look over the side of my table to see asprin and water. Probably  Brandon. I remember bits and pieces from last night. I got drunk, someone carried me here and a lot of voices. Thats it. I get dressed and head over to the hall. I have no lessons today and i kinda want peace and quiet. But that isnt how todays going to go. Obviously im mad at Mattheo and Pansy. Beyond Angry. But that wont help. I need some fun, something to spark up my life than cheaters and boring guys. I see a new guy wondering around the building. Dark, hot, holy sh*t he made eye contact with me. On second thought. Let me tweak my rules a bit. I walked up to him smirking," ur new?" I asked. "Yeah". He replied. F*ck he has a deep voice. But Mattheos better...
Why am i thinking of that bar*tard ugh. I see Mattheo enter the hall with Pansy. "Of fking cource" i mutter. The stranger looks between me and them before answering. "Who are they?"

1. I walk up to a stranger
2. I tell him my whole lifestory but miss out the Nathan parts.
3. What a great plan

"The guys my..ex i think. And the girl was suppose to be my best friend. But he cheated on me with her. Yup walked right in on them having a full makout session" i ramble. He looks at me amused but seriously. "Jerk" i grumble while looking at Mattheo intensly. He looks over and i grab the stranger pulling him down and my lips collide with his, i realised what i was doing and tried stepping back. KEY word. TRIED. The stranger pulled my waist forward and kissed me back. Well that was unexpected. But im hot what can i say. We pulled away after a bit and my  lips were swollen. Holy sh*t. Was that the guy from the hallway. "Yes" he chuckled deeply. Wait i said that out loud. I blushed embaressed and didnt even bother looking at Mattheo. I felt kind of bad i used the stranger guy you know. "I saw what you did there. You tried making him jealous" Mr stranger laughed again. "Yeah...sorry" i said meekly. He chuckled again and walked to snape who was calling him. "So you moved on pretty quick" i hear Mattheo state. The nerve of this guy!

"Look Mr Riddle. I did not move on quick. Oh and dont even start with the whole  moving on quick thing. You moved on in our relationship. You made out with Pansy right in front of me ,cheater. After the talk about breaking up with me before kissing her .You just couldnt help yourself could you Mattheo. Honestly, you might be feared around here because your the son of Lord Voldermort. But honestly your just the same as loads of guys" i say the last part with a crack in my voice. Something made him click after i said all off that. His eyes travelled around the room as if something weared off. He looked at Jacob standing across the hall for an explaination. Jacob grabbed his arm and took him away. I felt something drip onto my cheek. Ugh stupid feelings. I wipe it away angrily and look around to see some people looking at me. Probably because my outburst. Was i that loud. I just embaressed myself again. Uh. I see Mr stranger looking at me too along with brandon. They heard too and Brandon is fuming. Oh sh*t. My eyes widen as i hear brandons voice boom. All teacher were gone. "MATTHEO FU*KING RIDDLE" his cold voice shouts. His face emotionless and a few people stepped away in fear. Ive only seen him like this once. When He found out what Nathan was doing to me.
(Im going to call the stranger guy
something else cuzz likee yeah)
The guy i kissed looked towards Brandon and wondered why he was doing this. "Brandon" i say softly. "Dont make a scene..infront of so many people" i say. He looks down at me and his expression changed to soft. He looks at my tear and his face turned cold again. He grabbed my arm and walked out the hall quickly. I didnt say anything. He took my to the library and told me to explain why i hadnt told him. He felt hurt that i didnt tell him. And he was one of the last people to know. He was always there for me. I was number 1 for him and of cource he was hurt he found out like this. But he also was beyond mad.

"Fine i wont beat tf out of him but he better has a good explanation. And cheaters normally have bad ones so i might get to beat the hell out of him" he smirks and plays with his ring. My brother is what a girl would say 'hot'.
To me hes a ugly a$$ giraffe that loves me loads but to girls that are not named y/n he's 'hot, mysterious, quiet" oh hell nah. My brother is total opposite for me. But his hearts only set on one person. And i dont think he will ever get another girl until hes married. Her name was Rosiline..she died 2 years ago and took my brothers heart with her....but thats a story for another time.

If you want a story of Rosiline and Brandon comment. I might do that after im finished with this book :)

Brandon walked away and i sat in the chair re thinking everything that happened today. I need a distraction. Nope not sEx im a virgin and i dont want to do that any time soon. I hear footsteps and look up to see Mr stanger. "i cant keep calling you Mr stranger in my head so whats your name" i say not realising what i had said. "You think about me, in your head" he states dumbly with a cheeky smile. "Mhm" i say rolling my eyes sarcastically. "Im y/n" i say. "Im Elijah" he says with a smirk.

(*Tvd/originals fangirl moment* )

His kisses are nice..What is my stupid head thinking. Oh sh*t hes laughing did i say that out loud. UGHHH. "You liked when i kissed you" he asks smirking. About the distraction....
I grab his arm, pushing him onto the wall and pressed my lips onto his. why am i this fuc*ed up. I need alchohol instead of making out with a random guy i do not know. He turns us so my back gets pushed lightly onto the wall and i feel him smirk against the kiss. The kiss didnt feel comftable like Mattheos. No matter how hard i try to forget him i cant. I push myself away from Elijah, "im sorry" i whisper. He smirks knowingly. "Dont worry it was fun while it lasted" he kisses my cheek and walks off after giving me a wink.

I walk back to the commen room
"Y/N" i hear someone shout. "What jacob" i say concerned. I run to him and he starts explaining. "So i thought it was really weird that mattheo had no idea what had happened everytime he sees you and i made a potion." I sigh." Jacob its fin-" "No PLEASE hear me out." I nod for him to continue."the potion detects other potions and i used it on Mattheo. Mixed it in with his water. It turned out someone gave him a  love potion and after lots of threats Pansy admitted it was her.. i told Mattheo all this and the potion weared off 5 minutes ago. He really need to talk to you." He finishes with a breath. I was..shocked? Confused? I go to Mattheos room and knock. It opens and i see Mattheos eyes light up when he looks at me. I look at him blankly. "Y/n....what did i do" he asks rubbing his forehead. "You hurt me." I state quietly. He holds my hand but i shaked him off. He looked hurt and i almost scoff out loud. He does not get to be hurt. "Explain" he says sternly shoving his hand inside his pocket.

"Okay. I walked in on you and Pansy having a makeout session. Not like when Pansy came on top of you. A proper makeout session. You came to the great hall today holding hands. I mean you cheated on me." I say clearly with a blank expression. "I-i" he stutters in shockness. "Dont. I know you were under a potion but....doesnt mean it didnt hurt any less. It still hurts." He looked at me guilty. "I-its okay, its whatever" i say vunrable. I didnt want to take this anymore. Kissing random guys. Getting hurt all the time. "Im sorry" he says softly kissing me . "I-i cant" i move away being the respectful bi*ch i am. "Pansy asked you out said yes. Dont cheat on you did to me" i whisper the last bit out hoping he didnt hear it.

NO im not being a bi*ch. He was under a love potion blah blah he didnt know. Yes but it doesnt change the FACT hes with pansy. He cheated on me. Okay?

I walk out the room  avoiding everyone and sitting on the sofa with my head resting on blaises arm. I sigh. At least Nathan hasnt been pestering me for a while. Hes had his eye on a ravenclaw. I dont want to get involved with him anymore so i just pray he treats her right. After a couple more minutes i didnt realise i fell asleep.....I heard shuffles after that but fell into a slumber.

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