Chapter 22

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Alot of people have been asking for an update so here it is..

He slammed me onto the bed with lust full eyes.

I groaned in pain.

"Mattheo calm down" I say cringing from the pain.

But he didn't.

He ripped my shirt off and grabbed my hair with his one hand tightly.

He turned me around in seconds and i could feel his length pressing against my a$$.

"Fuck" He leans forward as I tug on his hair lightly.

"I want to bend you over right now baby" He whispers in my ear.

I gulp but freeze when we hear a knock on the door.

'My office, 20 minutes Miss Y/n'.

"Did he-" Mattheo shakes his head and picks up my ripped shirt.

I frowned.

"Don't be upset I'll buy you 1000 more darling" He winks at me then leaves.

I put on a new shirt and fix my hair before walking down to Proffesor Dumbledores office.

"Ah Miss y/n" He sighs.

"Yes.." I sit down.

"I'm aware of this relationship you have with another student Mattheo Riddle. Was it? It has become very public hasn't it?" He says worridly.

"Sir..I don't see the issue " I frown.

"As you know he is the dark lords son and I do not wish to see any of my pupils facing the Dark lord himself.
I think it's best if you seperate from Mr Mattheo Riddle" He says casually.

My eyes widen. No way.

"Sir, with all due respect. You can't split up a relationship. We love eachother and I don't care what you say about it. Your a head wizard. Not a fucking therapist" I walk out.

"Language." He says sighing.

I walk back to my dorm room in anger.
I don't care what he says I'm not splitting up with Mattheo. It feels like I just got him back.

"You look hot when you're mad" I hear Mattheo grab my waist from behind.

"Mind telling me what's on your mind love" He says moving a peice of hair from my ear.

"Professor Dumbledore just told me it was dangerous to be with you. He's worried" I roll my eyes.

"He's right darling.." He says.

"I don't care!" I say annoyed.

"There's nothing that can seperate us you know. I love you, and only you.
Until death do us apart." He kisses my neck.

I turned around and hugged him. He put his head ontop of mine and pushed my head onto his chest lightly.

"I love cuddles from you" He groans.

I giggle and cuddle into him more.

"Gosh I am in love with you" He runs his fingers through my hair.

"I'm in love with you too" I mumble.

"I know" He smirks.

"Good" I pull away slowly.

"We have to attend the triwizard announcment" I say.
"Come on then" He says pulling on his robe.

We walk down hand in hand and sit on the slytherin table across from Blasie and Jacob.

"Wasssupp" Blaise says.

"Sup guys" Jacob nods.


"Viktor krum" He catches a note in the flying cup.

Everyone cheered as he stood up and greeted Dumbledore. He winked at Hermione Granger and that didn't go unnoticed by Ronald Weasly.

I almost feel bad for him.

He read out another name but I was focusing on Mattheo's rings. They were so unique.

"Cedric Diggory" He shouts as the fire reaches up.

We all clap and he smiles in excitment.

"Harry Potter!" He says in shock.


"Harry potter! " He shouts again.

Everyone turns to Potter and gasps.
He looked confused himself.

"Don't look at him for too long. I kight get jealous" My chin got pulled away quickly. I stare at Mattheo's eyes and wink.

"You're way better to look at anyway Theo" I say smirking.

"I know" He says smirking back

I roll my eyes at his cockiness.

"Roll your eyes again and I'll make them roll in pleasure" He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Your eyelashes are beautiful" I admire them.

"You're Beautiful" He opens them.

I turn back around when I hear a glass smash. Ron speeds out the great hall in anger. Damn. Potter really wanted glory when he already had fame.

"Sorry I'm late" Draco walks in looking queasy. He was pale and it looked like he had just been crying.
He loosens the grip on his tie and looks away.

Mattheo grabs his arm roughly and walks out with him after kissing me on the cheek.

"Be right back love, Malfoy a little chat" He says seriously.

What's going on with Draco and Mattheo.  I feel likr it's something to do with The dark lord but I trust Theo.

"Where's they go?" Jacob asks.
"I don't know" I reply grabbing a drink.
"Hm" He says looking at the door they just went out off.
"You going to follow him?" He says.
"No?" I frown.
"Why not?" He says.

Is he stupid?

"I'll give them privacy to talk or whatever. I don't need to know EVERYTHING." I say looking at him, he was being ridiculous.

"Yeah okay" He says taking a sip of his drink.

"So what do you think of Potter putting his name into that trophy?" Blaise says with a face full of jam.

"That is not a pleasant sight to see Blaise, clean yourself up" I laugh.

I hand him a napkin but that did nothing.

"Jeez thank you Mother" He says kissing my hand.

I pull away chuckling then here a cough. I see Mattheo and Draco back.

"Don't ever kiss my girlfriends hand again" He says sitting next to me and glaring at Blaise.

"Sorry bro" Blaise raises his arms in surrender.

"Mhm" He says putting his head onto my shoulder and nuzzling his nose onto my neck making me shiver in delight.

I felt his smirk on my skin.

"Shut up" I say.
He chuckles.


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