Chapter 29

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My fingers skimmed across the few books that were standing on the dusty shelf. It's been 15 minutes, and I got nothing.

I sigh and turn around. My hair flicks onto an unsteady pile of books and they come tumbling down.


"I HEARD THAT YOU GOOD?" I hear Blaise scream his lungs out.

"GOOD TO KNOW YOU CARE" I scream back and laugh.

"I WAS ASKING JACOB" He shouts and huffs.

I put my hand onto my chest in fake hurt. How rude.


I look down to pick up the books and a solid purple bookmark stands out.

I pick it up gently and blow the dust off before erupting into a million coughs.


My eyes widen.

Powerful spells and potions to protect one from the dark arts.

"GUYS I FOUND SOMETHING" I screech then wince at my own voice in distaste.

"What is it what is it what is i-" Blaise snatches it of me.

"Shut up" I grab it back and open it.

"Woah" Jacob mutters as a dark pink line glows around the edges of each page as I turn in curiosity.

"Woah indeed" Blaise mumbles.

"Phae mi-" I try reading.

Then 2 books from the floor rise quickly and smack onto Blaise's head causing him to fall in pain.

"TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT" Jacob chuckles at Blaise.

"All you say is Phae mi-" I start.

The Jacob gets hit onto the table and he groans while crouching.

"AHAHA karma bit*h" Blaise stands up.

"Sorry" I say meekly.

"It's okay" Jacob groans in pain and rubs his knee.

"So now we know this book is really powerful" Blaise stands 5 feet away from it.

"Yeah but I didn't even finish the spell so why did it react instantly" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Mabey it's the flash" Jacob says taking it from my hands.

"We can't let anyone know about this book" I say seriously.

"I agree" He nods.

"Ditto, our lil secret" Blaise grins.

"Great hall assembly, in 5 minutes" A student from Gryffindor opens the door to the library and shouts before shutting it again.

"Do you think he heard about our little secret?" Blaise nudges me.

"I think we're good" I smile amused.

"Let's go" Jacob walks out.

"What do you think it's about?" Pansy asks us.

"Don't speak to us street rat"  Blaise glares.

I chuckle quietly and look at Dumbledore.

" I need well taught, brave, ambitious, fearless and smart students. To fight along side me in a war! You are ready. Trust yourself and everyone around you! I believe in you" He says before storming off in stress.

"Wow that was...something" Jacob claps.

We see Hermoine, Harry, Ronald, Neville and Luna walk out secretly.

"Somethings up with the golden trio" I mumble.

"Probably want to fight for Dumblewhore" Jacob says.

I hum in response and fiddle with the necklace that has Mattheo's ring on it.

I touch it and instead of coldness, I felt warmth and comfort.

I miss him.
I love him.
I hope he's okay.


"Y/n" Jacob shoves his hand and waves it near my face.

"Yea" I answer shortly.

"I've been calling you for ages. I just saw something" He says scared.

"What did you see" I say confused.

"A dark figure. A dark faded statue in the corner of the room where the window is. Am I going crazy?" He shakes.

I look over to see nothing.

I look back at him then look again to jump slightly in shock.

It was there.

"I see it" I say not moving.
"Me too" Blaise says in shock.
"Me too" Pansy cries.
"Same" Nathan drops his spoon.
"What" A couple hufflepuffs see it too.
"WHAT'S GOING ON" Snape shouts.

"Sir.." I point to the dark thing.
His eyes follow my finger and his eyes widen.

It dissapears and he quickly throws a spells at it.

'Avara kadavra'

Oh my god.

"So. About those students who need to fight" He says a bit fearful.

The hall erupts into chatter and cries.

"Severus, you need to see this" Then they look at me and I stare back confused.

"Behind you child" Dumbledore clenches his jaw and draws out his wand.

I turn and see puffs of black smoke swirling around the slytherin table.

We all move away and rub to the other side of the room.

"Deatheaters" Was the one word I heard before everything went downhill...

Sorry this is kinda late.
Word count: 753
ily <33

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