Chapter 9

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It took Izuku a little over a month to finish the final prototype of his rescue device, which he decided to name 'Signal Catcher'. He was hesitant with the name, but it needed one. He was glad the final product was finished after many complications in making it. Izuku now truly understood just how frustrating it was when something didn't quite work as planned.

Mr. Murata had laughed at Izuku on many occasions when the device didn't catch the heat signals he had set up. Apparently Izuku's face was very cute when he got mad and that only made Izuku more embarrassed. Eventually all the bugs were fixed and Izuku was ready to move on to his next prototype.

The grappling hook would be much easier to build since he could use the design of a regular grappling hook and just add the parts needed for it to emit electricity. Izuku had to quickly find a way so that only the wire would shock you. That way the hero holding it wouldn't be in any danger. With a little bit of research, Izuku quickly found a material he could replace the metal body of the grappling hook with.

The material was pretty well used for heroes with an electric quirk so it wasn't too hard to get a hold of. By the end of the next month, Izuku had finished the grappling hook prototype. Izuku was much happier with the second prototype than he was the first. It hadn't come with as many bugs to fix like the programming part of the Signal Catcher did.

The third design proved to be the most difficult though. Izuku had to do so much extra research so that he could completely understand the science before trying to build his antigravity shoes. His design focused more on allowing the wearer to build up energy whenever they walked or ran. Later they would be able to focus the energy in the shoes so that they could shoot themselves in the air, almost like they were defying gravity.

There were many safety concerns, like how they would stop themselves from plummeting down to the ground at a fast pace. Izuku worked out that they could have a remote to control when the energy would be used and to also control turbo jets at the bottom of the shoes for safe landing.

When the safety issues were finally worked out, Izuku was finally able to design what the shoes would look like. He decided to make them look like his red hiking shoes. They ended up a little bulkier, like his sneakers, but were still close enough. Mr. Murata had let him test them out since he had made them in his own shoe size, which he definitely did not do on purpose.

Izuku had a blast testing out the shoes. The first time however, was when he found out they needed a way for the user to control how much energy they used in a single jump since Izuku jumped so high he smacked his head on the ceiling. His mother was not happy at the fact her son got a concussion and almost fractured his skull.Izuku was able to add a control mechanism quite easily though.

There was now only four months left until the written entrance exam at U.A. and Izuku was studying like crazy. Since he had three prototypes all ready to go, he didn't need to focus on them as much and had a lot more time to study. He only visited the company every other Saturday so that they could take on another intern who needed the experience more than he did.

Currently Izuku was sprawled out on Bakugo's bed, both of them studying for the U.A. entrance exam. The two had agreed that they would help each other study. No matter how much Bakugo hated to admit it, Izuku knew a lot more about science than he did. It was the only subject Bakugo struggled even a little in. In return, Bakugo helped Izuku with Japanese Literature.

"Oi, Deku," Bakugo called from the floor. "I-I need your help with something." Izuku turned from his spot to look at him.

"Is it another one of those chemical equations?" Izuku asked as he got up from his spot.

"No, dumbass. It's about a support item I might need." Bakugo drawled. Izuku made a surprised face that quickly turned into an excited one.

"You want me to make you a support item?!" Izuku asked excitedly. He quickly sat down next to Bakugo on the floor, bringing his notebook and a pencil along with him.

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