Chapter 14

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"Hurry up, nerd." -Bakuhero1111

"What do you mean?" -Izu2136

"I mean we gotta get to school. Now hurry the fuck up and get down here before I change my mind." -Bakuhero1111

Izuku smiled at his phone before putting his shoes on and racing down stairs. Bakugo was waiting for him and the doors to his apartment building, scowling at everyone who passed by. Izuku greeted his friend and the two made their way to the train station.

"So... What are your classmates' quirks?" Izuku asked, slowly pulling out his notebook as they sat down on the train.

"Of fucking course," Bakugo said in an almost amused tone.

"What?! It could be useful information for the future!" Izuku said defensively. "Now, start with Kirishima."

"Who?" Bakugo asked doggedly. Izuku just sighed.

"Shitty hair..." Izuku said quietly.

"Oh him. He's got a hardening quirk. Skin turns hard as rock. Must be pretty strong too cause he doesn't seem to be afraid of being hit by my blasts," Bakugo said as Izuku's pencil scurried across the page.

"Hm, I wonder if there is a limit to how long he can hold it for... Does his weight increase as he hardens? Do his internal organs harden too or just his skin? What about-" Izuku became a rambling mess as Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"You can do your stupid mumbling later. Do you want to hear about the other extras or not?!" Bakugo interrupted before Izuku could continue further.

"Right, sorry..." Izuku apologised, embarrassed.

"Round face has a quirk that can erase gravity on anything she touches, including herself. But she gets sick if she uses it too much. Tsk, weak." Bakugo continued leaning against the window and staring at the ceiling.

"It erases gravity? That's so cool! And she can use it on herself? Can she use it to fly? Has she tried?" Izuku questioned, writing it down excitedly.

"I don't think so... She can't really control the direction she goes in, she just floats there." Bakugo answered boredly.

"But... with the help of a support item she could," Izuku said, pulling out his support notebook. "I could alter the design of my anti-gravity shoes so that they could help her control her direction in the air. The jets wouldn't need to be very strong, just enough for her size." Izuku bgan a new page writing everything down. Bakuho leaned over his shoulder to look at the drawing. "What does her hero costume look like, Kacchan?"

"Eh? Oh, it's white and pink, I think. Kinda space-astronautish I guess," he replied hesitantly. Izuku gave him a look that said all it needed to. "Hey! I don't pay attention to these extras, okay? How am I supposed to describe something in detail I've only seen in passing!" Izuku responded with a sigh and wrote down 'Astonautish' on the page.

"You better pay more attention today. Send me a picture of her current shoes if you can," Izuku said as they arrived at their station. The two left the train and began to make their way to U.A., both disappointed to see the press was still lined at the gates again.

Izuku sighed and followed behind Bakugo as he pushed the press and anyone else out of his way. Izuku apologised for him to every person caught in his path. When they finally made it through the gate he let out a sigh of relief, glad the shoving and scowls were over.

"You could have been a little nicer to the students, Kacchan," Izuku said as the two of them walked towards the first year hall.

"They were idiots sucking in the attention of the press, and for what? It's not like the press is here to talk to them. The damn extras are just that, extras. All the press wants is information on All Might and a story to go with it." Bakugo sneered.

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