Chapter 34

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Izuku was just entering the lab when his name was called. Izuku turned to see it was Mr. Higari who had called him.

"Yes, sir?" Izuku asked as he approached the teacher's lab bench.

"Nezu would like for you to go and see him. Since you are so ahead of the class, he has deemed it appropriate to steal you from me." The tone in his teacher's voice told Izuku that he did not like losing his student to the principal.

"I thought our weekly meeting is supposed to be tomorrow?" Izuku asked. He had just gotten back from his appointment with Hound Dog and was excited to finish planning his latest 'surprise project'.

"Unfortunately Nezu has a board meeting tomorrow, so he asked, no, demanded that I send you to him today." Mr. Higari sighed before handing Izukiu a hall pass. He didn't really need it since the whole staff of U.A. has gotten used to his abnormal schedule, but he took it anyway.

When Izuku arrived at Nezu's office he didn't even bother to knock, knowing Nezu was watching already. He opened the door to see Nezu pouring him some tea, a wide grin on the mammal's face. The grin widened even more as Izuku entered, shutting the door behind him.

"Hello Midoriya!" Nezu said happily. "We've got some very interesting things to talk about today!"

"We do?" Izuku asked curiously as he took his seat across from him.

"Yes, a U.A. alumni called me." As Nezu said this he leaned onto his desk, making Izuku nervous. "He mentioned you proposed a project to him and that he accepted." Izuku showed a look of confusion before it clicked in his mind.

"Oh! Mr. Genji! Yes, I called him the other night." Nezu accepted this and took a sip of his tea before turning serious.

"So, what's the project?" The look in Nezu's eye said that Izuku would not leave this room until Nezu got to see his notes. Slowly, Izuku grabbed his notebook from his bag and opened it to the appropriate page before sliding it across the desk. Nezu's hands were on it immediately as he read through Izuku's notes, a pleased look on his face.

"Wonderful," Nezu said before looking up. "Next week all of your classes will be spent with Mr. Genji working on your project."

"Huh?!?" Izuku looked at him with his mouth gaping open. "B-but... Internships are the week after that! Shouldn't I be preparing with Gran Torino?"

"Oh, Gran Torino will still come in to speak with you while you work if you'd like, but I would like this project down sooner rather than later." Nezu said simply as he returned Izuku's notebook. "If Shinso-kun can train with your support items before class 1-A's practical exam at the end of this semester, he'll have a greater chance at getting into the hero course."

"Wait, Shinso-kun is getting his chance of getting into the hero course at the end of this semester?!" Izuku asked excitedly.

I'll have to tell Shinso lat-

"Yes, but you can't tell him that, of course." Nezu said, cutting off Izuku's thought's. Izuku slumped slightly in his chair. "Anyway, Mr. Genji and yourself will be able to use the lab all week. I've arranged it so that all the engineering classes will be replaced with a surprise sex ed course." Izuku made a face of disgust and Nezu laughed at him.

"I don't have to participate in that, do I?" Izuku asked, hoping the answer would be 'no'.

"Oh, no. That's only for the second and third years. Students your age get their health course next semester." Nezu explained. Izuku sighed, slightly relieved but also nervous for the next semester. "I've planned for a couple third years to go to each first year class to talk about internships the first day and the rest will be filled with presentations from some of the more common agencies and companies that our students will intern at."

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