Chapter 41

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Stain didn't waste anytime, quickly jumping up and attacking the Nomu. Izuku also didn't waste anytime either as he grabbed Native, putting him over his shoulder. He silently thanked Aizawa for making him and Shinso go through leg day, since it meant Izuku already had experience carrying a tall, skinny body. 

Izuku stayed by the wall as Stain danced around the Nomu, cutting it's limbs as they continued to regrow. Seeing an opening, he took it and bolted from the alley. He started running in the direction he knew the department was. When he heard a blood curdling scream come from the alley, he tried to pick up his pace, even when it made his ribs hurt even more. Stain was quick to catch up to them, and landed in front of Izuku making him skid to a stop.

"Not so fast," Stain said as he wiped the blood from one of his katanas. "I've already been stopped from my mission once this week. I will not let it happen again. Put down that fake and leave."

"No," Izuku said stubbornly. "I'm not leaving him to die."

"I will not repeat my self again," Stain said angrily. "Leave."

"No! You may be okay with having blood on your hands, but I'm not!" Izuku shouted back. "Native may have started his career for money, but he did it for a good cause! He grew up in the roughest area of Hosu. Little to no food. Taking care of his siblings. He saw his chance to do better, to get out, and he did." Stain was shaking his head at Izuku, dismissing him.

"He is still a fake," Stain said stubbornly. "One who only cares about money."

"Money?!" Izuku said in disbelief. "He only cared about his family! And look! He came back! Back to Hosu. Back to the streets he grew up in. He's now inspiring the kids of Hosu. Showing them that they could do great things too!"

"No!" Stain yelled, making Izuku take a step back. "He's a fake! The only one who lives to the name of a hero is All Might! He fights to save people in need! He doesn't do it for the money! Or the fame!"

"No, he doesn't," Izuku agreed. He saw a bright fire shoot out down the street. Endeavor. "Which is why, as his student, I cannot let you kill this man. If no one else is here to save him, then I will do my best." 

Izuku gently let Native down, being mindful of his wounds, before getting into the battle stance Aizawa had showed him so many times, trying to ignore the sharp pain in his ribs. Stain had a look of absolute shock as he stared at Izuku before getting into his own fighting stance.

"Fine, but you're going to regret this." Just then, a giant blaze of fire hit Stain's back and he fell forward before rolling on the ground towards Izuku. Izuku, with his brilliant mind, gave Stain a good kick in the back of the head before turning to get Native away from the fight.

Before he could get far, a hand grabbed his ankle and pulled him down. He struggled against the villain's hold before he felt cold metal against his neck. Stain lifted him, holding Izuku as a shield between him and Endeavor. Izuku looked up to see there were many others with him, including Todoroki who was beside his father, Tsukauchi, and Sansa, who had their guns pointed towards him.

"Stay. Back." Stain said threateningly. 

"Drop the knife, Stain!" Tsukauchi yelled. "There has been enough blood shed tonight. Let the boy go, and put your hands up."

"I will do no such thing," Izuku could feel Stains heart beat through his back. It was calm. Shockingly calm. Izuku's own heart was facing a mile a minute. His thoughts were the same as he tried to think of a way out of this.

Izuku could see Endeavor was losing his patience as Tsukauchi continued to try and reason with Stain. He knew Endeavor's civilian death rate and he did not want to become another number. Taking a small breathe, Izuku braced himself before gripping Stain's arm and pulling it forward, and biting down through the clothing. Hard.

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