Chapter 18

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Uraraka stood outside the USJ with her classmates and Hatsume-chan. Worry continued to consume her as heroes and paramedics entered the USJ and Deku did not exit.

What if he's hurt? What if he was taken? What if he's dead?

The longer it took, the more worried she became. She wasn't the only one, as the rest of the students also stared at the door and waited for their friend. Finally, it seemed Bakugo had enough and stormed towards the door.

"Stop!" Midnight yelled. "You cannot go in there, Bakugo!"

"Fuck off!" he yelled back as he tried to walk around her.

"Let the heroes and paramedics do their job and take your spot with your classmates!" Midnight warned. When Bakugo ignored her she sighed before using her quirk to send him to sleep. She then turned to the rest of the group while still holding the boy up. "I know you are worried, but you need to understand that it is best to let the adults do their job."

Uraraka felt tears brim her eyes as she realized all of what Midnight said.

'Let the heroes and paramedics do their job-'

Paramedics. So he is injured. Uraraka's attention was turned to the entrance as an ambulance was backed up all the way to the doors. It sat there for a few minutes before driving off and Cementoss exited the building. Cementoss looked around before seeing their group and making his way to them.

"Students," he said. All of them looked at him and waited. "Midoriya has been taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital. All Might is accompanying him there. N-" He was immediately interrupted by the students bombarding him with questions.

"Oh my god! Is he okay?"

"What kind of injuries?"

"Is it serious?"

"Will he be alright?"

"Enough!" Cementoss yelled. Their questions ceased as they stared at their teacher. "He is going to be okay. Now, the police are gonna ask you some questions. Don't be nervous. They just want to know what happened. Once you have spoken with the police, all of you need to be checked by a paramedic before your parents can take you home. You may not leave alone. You must be accompanied by a parent or a guardian. Okay?"

The class murmured agreements before a group of officers began taking students one by one.


When Izuku woke up he saw that he was in a hospital room. His mother sat on a chair next to him reading a book with silent tears leaving her eyes. Izuku wasn't sure if those tears were for a character in the book or for him. He smiled before reaching out and grabbing her hand with his good arm. Inko looked up in shock and smiled as she saw her son awake.

"Oh, Izuku. You scared the heck out of me," Inko said as she moved her son's hair to the side.

"Are the others okay? All Might? Eraserhead?" Izuku quickly asked, his worry consuming him as he remembered the state of two of his teachers.

"Eraserhead and Thirteen are both in rooms down the hall. You're the only student who received any serious injuries. And All Might was treated by Recovery Girl before going home." Inko replied, relaying the information she had gathered from the teachers and doctors. She knew her son would be more concerned about others before his own injuries.

"Good," Izuku said. He slowly adjusted his position and regretted it when he felt a hot pain travel from his collar bone to his finger tips.

"The doctor says a part of one of your nerves in your shoulder was slightly damaged," his mother said as her eyes grew worried. "Recover girl healed you, but she said the nerve will take time so you'll have to wear a sling for at least a week."

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