Chapter 15

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Izuku held true to his promise and within a week had produced a working prototype of the 'Director Jets'. He had also added gloves with small jets to the group after he asked Mei to test them. She had found it difficult to balance herself when there were only jets on her feet. There were some things he knew may need to be adjusted, like the size of the boots, gloves and helmet. He had used Mei's measurements since, as far as he could tell, she was of similar height to Uraraka.

He'd also made sure the gloves were fingerless so it wouldn't affect the use of her quirk, at least he hoped it wouldn't. It was one of those things where a conversation with the person meant to use the gear would have come in handy.

Lifting the case with his new creation in hand, Izuku walked to the classroom and placed it on his teachers desk. Mr. Hiagari gave him an excited look and opened the case to give it a final once over.

"Well done, Midoriya," Mr. Higari complemented. "Class, it seems we're ready to watch our first pitch later today." The class murmured excitedly as Izuku blushed.

"P-pitch?" Izuku stuttered. "W-wait, the whole class is coming?" Izuku had known that Mr. Hiagari had spoken with Mr. Aizawa, 1-A's homeroom teacher, to set up a time where Izuku could give Uraraka his support prototype. The teacher had insisted Aizawa and him were present, but that's all Izuku thought would be there. It was a completely different case if his whole class was gonna be watching and judging him.

"Not just us, but 1-A too. I know you don't like public speaking, Midoriya, but this is an important part of the Support field. You need to know how to get your ideas and reasons across to a large group." Mr. Higari explained. "And don't worry, the rest of the class will all have to do the same thing with their own prototypes when they're finished. Mei will be doing hers tomorrow and Lunch Rush offered to be her target audience."

"S-so, I'm not the only one having to do this. Just the first," Izuku clarified.

"Exactly, and you have until after lunch to get your ideas written down, which I bet you already have." Mr. Higari encouraged further. This statement was true. Izuku had spent much of his time at home writing, editing and rewriting a proper pitch. He was even able to prepare a slide show that included pictures of his prototype and references to other support gear similar to his own. Though, he doubt that would be necessary to use for an informal pitch.

"O-okay, um, I guess that works then," Izuku finally said. He returned his teacher's smile and made his way to his seat.

"This is so fun! You're gonna have so many people looking at your babies!" Mei said excitedly. Izuku turned to her and immediately smiled.

"You'll be extra excited to hear tomorrow's your turn, then," Izuku commented and laughed as Mei did in fact get more excited. He hadn't thought it to be possible for someone to look so happy about the idea of public speech. Though, he knew it was more the attention on her 'babies' that she was excited about.

"My 'Electromagnetic Soles 'are gonna knock the socks off of everyone watching!" Mei said excitedly. Their conversation was interrupted when Mr. Higari began his lesson.

To Izuku's dismay, the morning went by fast and his nerves only escalated as his time drew near. Mr. Hiagri and Mei helped him set up a building in Ground Beta for his presentation. Mr. Higari said that it was easier to be somewhere where both classes could fit inside and the outdoors were suited for a demonstration.

Mr. Aizawa also arrived to make sure everything was set up and Izuku took the chance to ask him a question that was bugging him.

"Sir?" Izuku said as he tapped the hero's elbow. Mr. Aizawa turned and raised an eyebrow. "I-is Uraraka okay with this? I-I don't want to embarrass her..."

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