Chapter 1

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Izuku heard the school bell ring and started packing his bag quickly. He had a limited amount of time today to get all of his homework done in time for him to watch his favourite show, Hero Watch. As he was putting his pencil case in his bag, a hand sprung across his desk, knocking his notebooks on the ground.

Izuku ignored the laughs and bent down, putting them into a neat pile and throwing them in his bag. He got up and pulled his bag over his shoulders before leaving the classroom. The last to leave as always.

Izuku walked quickly down the halls trying his best to avoid contact with anyone who may stop to bully him. Though, Izuku didn't like to think of it as bullying. The other kids just liked to mess around a little... And sometimes it got a little rough, but that was okay. He could take it.

It seemed like it may be Izuku's luckiest day yet as he left the school grounds and headed towards his apartment building. But all good things must come to an end of course. As Izuku was passing under a small bridge he saw Bakugo and his friends were waiting on a bench for him.

They knew Izuku's route home and always seemed to catch him when he least expected it. Izuku halted, starting to turn around and praying they hadn't seen him approach. His luck was out when he heard them come towards him.

"Oi! Deku!" Bakugo yelled, holding his hand out and showing a small explosion. "Where do you think you're going?!"

"N-no where Kacchan," Izuku replied, turning back towards his old friend.

"That's what I thought," Kacchan said with a smile. "Grab him!"

Izuku didn't even have time to blink as one of Bakugo's accomplices shot out his fingers and wrapped them tightly around his right arm. His other friend grabbed his left arm, immobilizing him. He looked up just in time to see Kacchan swinging his right arm at his face.

For the next five minutes (though it felt like a lot longer) Izuku was punched, kicked and burned. The bullying resulted in Izuku's shirt being ripped in several places.

Another uniform ruined.

Usually Izuku would have gone to the school's washroom to change into regular clothes in case something like this happened, but he was in such a rush to get home he didn't have the time.

Izuku carried along on his way home, thinking of what excuse he was going to tell his mother.

Kacchan sneezed and his quirk malfunctioned. No, used it. There was a small fire on my way home and I helped someone get out through a window! No, she would check the news.

Izuku was running out of ideas as he made his way up to his floor. His mind reeling with excuses of how he got hurt. Finally he came face to face with his door, unlocking it and walking inside.

He quickly did a scope of the apartment after putting on his house slippers. His mother was in the bathroom. Perfect opportunity. Izuku sprinted to his room and removed his school uniform, replacing it with an old pair of jeans and a plain blue shirt with the word 'Bottle' on it.

After changing he hid his old uniform under his bed. He would wait for an opportunity when he could throw it in the trash. He would probably wait till it was fuller and then take it out so his mother wouldn't see it.

Gotta bring some birthday money to school to buy a new one... he reminded himself.

Izuku grabbed his bag and made his way into the living room. His mother stood in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"Hi Mom!" he smiled. "I'm gonna finish my homework if that's okay."

"Of course sweetie," Inko replied, looking at her son with a warm smile. "Supper won't be too long so you better hurry if you want to eat before Hero Watch."

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