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"The fact I'm going into labor and you're not here is pissing me off Lauren!" Camila yelled into the phone.

"I'm catching a red eye now. I didn't know you'd go into labor so quick!" Lauren sighed. The soccer player ran through the airport staying on the phone with Camila.

"Who took you to the hospital?" Lauren questioned wondering who the hell got her there. She couldn't drive herself.

"Heather surprisingly stopped by. So thank her!" Camila said pain straining through her voice.

"I will. Hey babe. Just listen to me," Lauren said softly. It hurt her heart to hear Camila groaning and screaming in pain. "Just breathe with me ok? In and out." They took a few moments to be steady breathing.

"Ma'ma you need to have that off on the plane." The guy at the front said.

"I know. My fiancé is in labor I just need to talk to her for a few more minutes then it's off I promise." Lauren explained. "Listen I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm not going to miss this. Hold it in if possible." Lauren said shrugging walking down the terminal.

"They said they won't dilate me until I have a certain number of contractions in two to three hours. Just get here!" Camila yelled through the phone before hanging up.

"Oh boy." Lauren said to herself walking onto the plane. She took her seat and pulled a flight attendant over to talk.

"Hey about how long from Texas to Miami?" Lauren asked.

"Red eyes are about and hour to two miss. No connecting flights. Just straight through." She smiled.

"Thank you."

Lauren called Normani to come get her and they both rode to the hospital.

"Take a left." Lauren mumbled.

"I know where to go. Why do you seem so upset?" Normani questioned turning onto the next street.

"I'm not upset. I'm stressed. I feel like I'm going to be juggling to much. Maybe I should stop playing soccer until our baby is a certain age. But knowing Camz she's going to want another. Then the wedding. I'm so glad Ally is a wedding planner now. I feel like everything is falling into play. But I'm still so stressed." Lauren sighed. "Take a right."

"I know where to go Lauren," Normani chuckled. "Maybe you are juggling to much. Let Ally do the wedding. Beautiful people make beautiful things."

"Ok that's the fourth time you've complemented her. Is there something I don't know?" Lauren questioned. She refrained for giving Normani the next set of directions.

"I guess. I mean Ally said to never speak of it again but. A few months ago me and her where at a party with a few of my friends. She got lightly buzzed and so did I. She kept drinking and got fucked up but I had to drive us home so I stopped and started trying to sober it a left or right up here?" Normani stopped the story quickly to rejog her memory.

"Left." Lauren answered.

"Thanks ok, so I was trying to sober up and she looked amazing that night so I asked her to dance. She accepted and we danced together and well she started to bump and grind and we ended up making out. She suggested we go home. Let's just say we had sex. She woke up and I told her everything and I thought she'd be mad that I didn't stop her but she wasn't she just kissed me again and well we've been talking. She told Troy and they broke up. We aren't official or anything." Normani shrugged pulling into the hospital lot. Lauren phone vibrated and it was a text from Camila.

They're dilating me where the fuck are you? Please hurry. Room 272

"Come on let's go." Lauren said opening the door and jogging into the hospital.

Lauren held Camila's hand looking at her as her face scrunched up in pain. She moaned and whimpered.

"Shh. Breathe babe." Lauren sighed. She kissed her forehead and brushed some hair behind her ear.

"That's 5." Camila mumbled.

"Five contractions. Long?" Lauren questioned.

"Mhm. Long and close together." Camila sighed.

"Ok hold on." Lauren stepped out the room and found Camila's doctor.

"Hello Lauren. How's she doing?" He asked getting what looked like wristbands for the baby ready.

"Good. How many contractions should happen in about two to three minutes for her to start pushing? She said she had five long close together contractions. I'm just concerned. How long should she be in labor? I mean you guys had to dilate her. Did she get the epidural?" Lauren questioned.

"We need Camila to have about 6-7 contractions in a minute before we start pushing we don't want to hurt the baby in anyway. Trust me she'll tell us when she's ready." He stated.

"Wait she? We're having a girl?" Lauren asked.

"Yes. You're having a girl. Congrats." He smiled.

"Thank you." Lauren smiled to herself and walked back into Camila's room.

"Where'd you go?" Camila asked softly.

"To talk to your doctor. You have to have about seven contractions in a minute before the numb you up and start the pushing process. We're also having a girl." Lauren smiled.

"We are?" Camila questioned surprised.

"Yeah babe." Lauren smiled. "Now listen to me miss. You better not come out kicking and screaming. Don't be born like me." Lauren said softly speaking to Camila's stomach.

"I was a quiet baby." Camila shrugged.

"I believe that." Lauren shrugged. Camila was about to speak when she whimpered in pain. "count them." Lauren said softly.

"She's...get...shit!" Camila groaned. Lauren figured it out and walked into the hall and got Camila's doctor.

"Yup. She's coming. Now Camila we need you to breathe steady for us." He instructed. He gave her the epidural and waited a few moments. "We're going to need you to start pushing for us ok?" Camila gave a faint nod and grabbed Lauren's hand.

"Ok 1..2..3..push." He said. Camila
gave her all in the first go round.

"Again for us." He said softly. She pushed harder again and a noise of frustration came out along with a scream. The scream coming from Lauren. "She breaking your hand?" The doctor asked Lauren.

"Little bit." Lauren replied forcing a smile.

"One more Camila you're doing great." The doctor said. After a few more minutes of pushing, screaming and crushing hands. Kayli-Grace Jauregui-Cabello was born.

"She's so precious." Camila smiled holding her.

"Look at those eyes. Blue green eyes for the win!" Lauren smiled stroking the babies silky brown hair. "She has your hair at least. It's soft. Feel it."

"I know. I think we did a good job." Camila smiled looking at Lauren.

"Hell yeah we did." Lauren smiled back. She kissed Camila softly on the lips before taking Kayli out her hands and placing her in the small crib beside her.

"Time to get some shut eye. You have a lot of test and shots tomorrow." Lauren said talking to the baby. Kayli whimpered. "Shh I know. I don't like shots either. Neither does your mommy. A shot hating filled family."

Camila smiled at the two interacting and sighed in content.

"Good night little one." She kissed her forehead and turned back to look at Camila.

"I feel torn apart." Camila sighed.

"It'll heal." Lauren smiled kissing Camila again. "Get some rest babe. I'll be on baby duty you just sleep. Ok?"

"Will do. I'm beat." Camila yawned and laid back.

Lauren laid on the couch in the room and closed her eyes. She was happier than ever. Her and her family happiest family alive.

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