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"Be good for Aunty Dinah ok? She's picking you up from school today. Do good on your vocabulary. This will be your third S and we'll go look at puppies ok? Also, honey..." Lauren said softly looking down at the child who was looking back up at her. She sighed and got down to her level. "Listen, me and your mom are going to be taking you out of this school ok? So today is your last day."

"Why?! I'm going to miss all my friends and soccer." Kayli sighed.

"You can still play soccer here I talked to the coach and everything. But we don't want you to grow up here at this school and possibly be made fun of so we are going to place you in a more public school ok? Now you of course can still be made fun of but not as bad as you might here. You're too young for me to explain everything now but I'll try to when you get back from being at Aunty Dinah's ok?" Lauren asked looking at her. The small girl nod her head and grabbed Lauren's hand again as they walked into the class room. It was play time and Lauren glared at Mrs. Young who shot one back. Lauren bent down to look at Kayli.

"What are the rules for today?" Lauren asked.

"Be nice to others, respect the teacher, make friends, don't talk to strangers." Kayli went over the list she had been going over for what felt years to her.

"That's right. Come here munchkin." Lauren smiled hugging her before they did there little handshake saying 'you got it dude' together at the end. Lauren got up and walked over to Mrs. Young.

"So which one is...never mind." Lauren questioned seeing Kayli hug Tiffany who hugged her back. "Anyways. Who do I talk to, to take my daughter out? Hopefully not you."

"Yes me because I am her teacher. Please I'm gladly giving you this packet to get her far away from my Tiffany." Lauren glanced over at Kayli and saw her looking at Tiffany when she talked. Lauren noticed it, the way she looks at Tiffany is the same way Lauren looks at her fiancé.

"Gladly." Lauren took the packet she waved at Kayli before walking out to her car. When she got in she started laughing and smiling "yes!" She smiled wider.

"So you're ok about being proven wrong by a kindergarten teacher?" Camila asked over the phone.

"Yes I am thank you very much! I have to go though now. Have a good rest of your day." Lauren sent a kiss noise through the phone making Camila smile before hanging up. She set her cell phone down and got back to work typing another article for sports illustrated about Lauren's marriage. Camila made her own self ever to good.

"Hey Camila." A deeper voice said making her look up. She smiled at her cubical neighbor.

"Hey Josh. Do you think it's weird my boss doesn't know I'm writing an article about me and Lauren's marriage. I mean I know she's going to pick the best one but I really don't want to write about this. It's weird." Camila ranted playing with the ring on her finger.

"It is kind of weird. But question who is Harriet Young?" He asked his eyes diverting to her phone. She followed her gaze and quickly answered.

"Hello hi sorry my phone was on silent I'm at work. Is everything ok with Kayli?" Camila asked concerned.

"No she's in the office and you need to come pick her up right now." Mrs. Young said harshly

"I uh will be a minute. Lauren can't get her either she's at soccer training. What's the problem is she sick?" Camila asked concerned.

"No, she got in trouble. I will see you in a while by Mrs. Cabello." The line hung up and Camila squinted her eyes at her phone.

"Josh I have to go get my daughter from school she got in trouble which I don't believe for a second. Please cover for me." Camila pleaded.

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