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"Kayli!" Lauren called from the playroom. She chuckled when she heard the patter then quick thud. "Just like her mother. Kayli Grace...what's going on in here?" Lauren asked looking at all the toys scattered across the floor.

"Well...I was playing. Then I got bored." She shrugged her little shoulders.

"Sarcastic like me. Wow." Lauren mumbled. "Ok Kayli you need to clean this up come on I'll help you."

"Mommy says you help me too much. I'm four old now. I can do it. All my...myself." She said putting her hands on her hips and walking past Lauren.

"Ok if you get this done in 5 minutes all by yourself. I'll take you for icecream. No asking me where a toy goes you should know." Lauren challenged.

"You got it dude." She smiled.

"Mommy let you watch full house didn't she?" Lauren questioned.

"Yes." Kayli replied and started picking up her toys. Lauren chuckled and walked out the room. She noticed Camila sitting at the kitchen counter and tip toed over to her.

"Has anyone seen my beautiful fiancé. I've seen to have lost her. A culprit named work kidnapped her from me." Lauren joked smirking.

"You're annoying." Camila chuckled looking at her laptop.

"So is your job. I only want you to write about me." Lauren stated putting her hands on Camila's shoulders rubbing them soothingly.

"Someone's self inflicted." Camila smirked turning to meet Lauren's gaze.

"I'm also you inflicted." The green eyes girl smiled.

"Smooth. So on a real note. I spoke with Ally and she wants us to pick a date so she can get the post cards made." Camila said sliding her arms around Lauren's neck.

"How about our anniversary?" Lauren questioned.

"Which one? The day we started dating or the day we got engaged?" Camila asked.

"Engaged. December 18th right?" Lauren tested.

"Yeah. That's right. I like that date. Then I say we force Dinah to watch Kayli for our honeymoon and we do something we haven't in a while." Camila smirked biting her lip.

"I like the sound of that." Lauren replied kissing her lips softly.

"I'm done!" A small squeaky voice yelled pulling them apart. They both looked down at their daughter who Lauren picked up.

"I don't believe it!" Lauren gasped.

"Well I did it. And you owe me ice cream!" She smiled.

"Or I owe you a visit from the tickle monster." Lauren tickled Kayli smiling as she squirmed and squealed.

"Stop!" She yelled through laughter.

"Ok ok. Did you finish your homework though kiddo?" Lauren questioned.

"No." The small child said softly.

"Go finish it kid. Do you need help?" Camila asked.

"No thank you. It's just voc...voc-abu-lary word." She sounded out.

"Alright go finish before dinner then after dinner we can get that icecream Lauren promised." Camila smiled stroking her hair and kissing her forehead. Lauren set her down and watched her run off. Lauren turned to Camila and smiled.

"I say," Lauren said kissing Camila's neck. "After she's in bed. We take a bath together and let that go from there."

"I'll think about it." Camila smirked.

"Let's hope you think right." Lauren smirked slapping Camila's ass before walking off.

"To bed you go Princess Kayli!" Lauren said.

"I'm not a princess. Mommy is the princess me and you are Knights!" Kayli said correcting Lauren.

"Right. Well it's time for the head knight to go night night. Get freshened up, in your pajamas and I'll bring you hot chocolate?" Lauren questioned.

"Mmmm I like the sound of that." She smiled running off.

"And you my lovely princess go get sexy for me." Lauren smiled brushing some of Camila's hair back.

"Isn't it a rule in the castle that the Knight can't fuck the princess." Camila smirked.

"Not in this castle." Lauren replied smiling. Her eyes darting to Camila's lips then back at her eyes. She connected their lips for a quick second before being pulled away by the sound of Kayli screaming for a mother.

"I'll go. You. Bedroom. Naked. Now." Lauren winked walking into Kayli's room. Camila smiled and bit her lip walking into their room.

After a few moments Lauren slipped into the bed room. She noticed lit candles.

"This is romantic." Lauren mumbled. The bathroom door opened and Camila stood in a red bathrobe.

"That's hot." Lauren smirked.

"Sit." Camila smirked back walking towards Lauren slowly as she sat down. She pulled the string on her robe and let it drop.

"Holy fuck." Lauren mumbled she watched as Camila straddled her. "This is better than a bath."

"To bad you'll have to wait for all of this." Camila smirked standing up.

"Wait what?" Lauren asked confused.

"You can't have sexy me until our honeymoon. You can have sex with me just not sexy me. Now the bath is ran so let's go get in it." Camila kissed Lauren deeply before walking off.

"What the fuck just happened?" Lauren questioned. She shook her head and walked into the bathroom and joined her fiancé in the bath.

"Can't wait to wife you up completely." Lauren mumbled. She kissed Camila's wet shoulder softly.

"Wait shh." Camila said softly listening.

"I don't hear anything." Lauren replied confused.

"Oh ok I thought I heard Kayli crying." Camila sighed sinking into Lauren's hold. Lauren kissed up Camila's neck when Kayli's crying drowned out the quietness.

"For Fuck sakes." Lauren groaned watching Camila get out the tub.

"Sorry she comes first when she's crying." Camila sighed drying off and pulled on her robe. She walked out the bathroom and Lauren sank down into the water. She sighed and ran her hand over her face.

"Come on Kayli." She mumbled.
Hope you all enjoy this first chapter. I feel like you're going to love this sequel I have so many ideas for it. ❤️

Comment please for the first chapter. ❤️❤️

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