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Lauren woke up with an uncomfortable leg pain from the way she was stuffed behind Camila. She looked at the clock sitting under the TV and realized the time.

"Oh shit." she mumbled, she felt Camila move a little.

"What's wrong?" Camila asked tiredly turning to glance at Lauren with sleepy eyes.

"We slept for three hours I forgot to pick up Kayli." Lauren mumbled throwing her leg over the back of the couch.

"Oh my God! Go get her!" Camila exclaimed fully awake now. Lauren looked at her with a "no shit" face. She pushed herself up with her hands and walked over to get her keys. She pulled the door open and met Dinah's eyes. She looked down and saw Kayli and Tyler standing with her.

"Good Parenting Laur." Dinah spoke walking in with Tyler and Kayli. The two instantly ran off towards Kayli's room.

"I fell asleep." Lauren spoke stretching. Dinah chuckled. Camila slowly stood up and walked over to the too.

"You're very pregnant." Dinah spoke. "Aren't you only like 2 and a half months?"

"She's having twins." Lauren spoke smiling.

"I'm so tired...but I'm hungry right now." Camila mumbled walking into the kitchen.

"You're always hungry walz." Dinah laughed.

"Have the cravings kicked in?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah, last Sunday she wanted pickles and ice cream. Together, then complained about not having a pickle flavored ice cream. Then the next day Bacon and cake. So I bought her bacon bits and chocolate cake. Put the bacon bits right over it. Disgusting." Lauren pretended to gag.

"Have you have pregnant sex?" Dinah asked curios.

"Yeah...I got really horny one week and it was just a go." Camila chuckled joining them with a jar of peanut butter and apple slices.

"That's Kayli's peanut butter substitute babe..." Lauren noticed the jar.

"I wondered why I tasted weird...hmm." Camila shrugged and kept eating.

"I didn't know Kayli was allergic to peanuts." Dinah spoke. Lauren glanced at her.

"You're not baby sitting her anymore." Lauren spoke.

"No, I'm just saying because I got Tyler that peanut butter substitute also...he's allergic to peanuts." Dinah chuckled.

"So are you going to help me?" Lauren asked pulling her laptop open. Dinah sat beside her and squinted her eyes in confusion.

"With what?" She questioned.

"Well, first you're going house hunting with me, second I think for Cam'z birthday I want to design the nursery for the twins. You can help me paint. Please D?" Lauren stuck her bottom lip out and clasped her hands together.

"Ok, just stop doing that." Dinah chuckled flicking the girls bottom lip.

"Ow...don't do that again! Geez Dinah." Lauren grumbled pulling up the web browser and going to a few homes she looked at.

"Oooo that ones pretty." Dinah cooed in awe at the Modern looking house.

"Yeah I like that one. Camz did also it has good room space and big back yard space." Lauren spoke.

"Then just pick that one..." Dinah mumbled. Lauren shook her head and they kept looking at houses together.

A few months passed and Dinah had helped Lauren pick out a new house them both agreeing on the first one they had saw first. It was now March and Camila was just about to turn the big 2-6. She was excited by extremely tired she was also finally four months and she was eating so much and she hated it. But the girl still wanted to go out for her birthday with a few friends so she did.

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