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"Ok do you got it Heather?" Lauren asked running around frantically trying to make sure she has everything.

"Lauren! Yes calm down you went over this list 5 times. Kayli's bedtime is at 8...she gets up at 7...she's allergic to tree nuts. Make sure she has her epi pen in her back pack. Her lunches for the week are packed and in the fridge. Make sure she's always wearing a beanie. What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Heather asked.

"Camz wants her to wear bows I want her to wear beanies. So she always has a beanie on and her bow necklace. That's it just don't let her walk out the house with a hat." Lauren spoke starting breakfast.

"Is Mila even up yet?" Heather asked.

"No, she fell asleep in Kayli's room it's the cutest thing. They're cuddled up together. Reminds me when she first brought her home and they fell asleep on the couch." Lauren smiled looking at Heather.

"That's so cute. I'm guessing Camila packed last night?" Heather asked.

"Yeah." Lauren spoke finishing up the food.

"Did she help you also?" Heather asked.

"Yeah she did." Lauren smirked. "Im going to go wake her up."


Lauren walked away and into Kayli's room. Lauren noticed Kayli was facing Camila. The green eyed girl walked over to Camila and kissed her temple.

"Hey baby girl..." Lauren spoke softly noticing Kayli's bright eyes look up at her.

"Hi." Kayli said softly yawning she sat up and got out the bed.

"Heather is out there go say hi to her." Lauren said quietly. Kayli nodded and walked out the room. Lauren leaned over Camila and kissed her lips.

"Babe stop." Camila mumbled.

"Get up babe we need to get ready to go." Lauren spoke softly.

"Ok..." Camila whispered tiredly. Lauren stood up.

"I made breakfast." Lauren smiled. She watched Camila bolt up and look at her. "Pancakes..."

"I'm up! I'm up." Camila said running her hands through her hair.

Lauren, Camila, Heather and Kayli all sat in their car on the way to the airport.

"You two be good. Heather don't trash my house." Lauren joked hugging her.

"Yeah I'll have only two wild parties mom..." Heather joked back.

"You're grounded already." Lauren smirked. Lauren bent down in front of Kayli.

"Be good for Heather ok?" Lauren asked.

"Ok!" Kayli smiled. They hugged before Lauren left to join Camila. Camila had said her goodbyes first so she could get a spot in security line. They went through the whole process and before they could blink they had landed on Cayman Islands.

"The air smells so clean here!" Lauren sniffed.

"It is the Caribbean's." Camila stated as they walked to baggage claim.

"Do you see Raj?" Lauren asked as she grabbed both their bags.

"Yeah he's over by the door. Ready?" Camila asked looking back at Lauren.

"Yeah let's head over to him." She carried both bags and they walked over to their trip advisor.

"Welcome to Cayman...I'm Raj nice to finally meet you!" He spoke his thick accent making it a bit hard for them to comprehend. The two got in a taxi and rode to the hotel. Checking in they were escorted to the honeymoon suite.

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