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Time went by quickly and Lauren was back on the turf. Playing indoor soccer again. Her and Heather stood side by side talking about a quick play. Lauren smiled at Camila and Kayli every chance she could get. Lauren was on a role with scoring. She was fast and quick and easily moved around the girls.

"I'm gonna break your ankle." One of the other players mumbled to Lauren as they pushed against each other.

"Id like to see you try!" Lauren spat back. Lauren pulled the ball back and kicked it off the wall running off it. The girl ran after her and slid tackled into Lauren flipping her over onto the turf. The crowd gasped and Lauren sat up and felt an excruciating pain shoot through her arm.

"You didn't get my ankles. You fucking flipped me and I landed wrong!" Lauren yelled trying to stand up. Her ankle ached a bit but it was nothing but a small sprain she was sure. She held her arm with her free hand so the broken bone wouldn't scare the crowd.

Her coach ran into the field and they walked out. Camila met them half way and gasped at Lauren's now swollen and bruised wrist.

"It's broken." Lauren sighed.

"I can see that. Come on babe lets get you to a hospital. How the hell aren't you crying?" Camila asked.

"I've broken my wrist three times before. It doesn't hurt I'm used to it." Lauren sighed. "I mean it does hurt but I'm not going to cry about it."

"Ok let's go." Camila spoke.
Lauren was all casted up and upset about leaving Heather hanging. She was sitting in the waiting room with Camila right now about to go in for their second ultra sound.

"I can't believe you're already two months." Lauren said picking at the cast. She adverted her eyes to Camila then to her stomach then back to her face again.

"You said that about Kayli." Camila smiled.

"I do remember that." Lauren smiled.

"Jauregui." The nurse called. They both stood up and walked towards the back.
The prepped Camila, slathering her stomach in the cool jelly.

"Alright. So let's take a look here." The doctor said. Doctor Oliver was the same doctor that delivered Kayli. They decided why not go back to the same.

"Well I have good news. Maybe more good for Lauren." The doctor spoke.

"Oh god." Camila groaned.

"The baby is healthy. But so is the other one." He spoke.

"Wait...we're....WE'RE HAVING TWINS!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Yes. A boy and a girl." He explained.

"Babe we're having twins!" Lauren smiled. Lauren hugged the doctor excited.

"Babe calm down." Camila chuckled looking at Lauren jumping up and down happily.

"Congratulations you two." He smiled.

They got Camila all cleaned up and they where out the hospital in no time. Lauren ran through the parking lot like a little kid yelling "Were having twins" over and over. Camila could just shake her head at the enjoyment of her wife. She smiled and started laughing when Lauren tripped and fell on the pavement.

"Ok I think I'm don't rejoicing." Lauren groaned standing up.

"You're already broken in one place don't break anything else." Camila smiled. Lauren shook her head and connected their lips. Cupping her cheek with her free hand.

"I am in love with you. With them. With Kayli and with my life right now. Nothing is stopping my happiness. I'm so excited to start this amazing amazing journey again. Kayli is going to have a younger sister. I wanted that so bad but I also wanted a boy just so he could wear beanies also." Lauren chuckled.

"Or so you can teach him the values of woman and how not to screw up and get them pregnant at 17...sounds familiar to me." Camila smirked.

"I hated that part of our relationship. I was so messed up. And I hurt you and I regret that so much. But look at us now. Married with our second and third on the way. We already have a beautiful daughter at home and I can't wait to watch them all grow up." Lauren smiled.

Lauren sat at the bar explaining everything to Heather.

"Congrats then. You're getting hold. You'll be 27 in a few months." Heather stated.

"And Camz will be 26 in two months. So." Lauren cleaned her throat and rubbed on the aching part of her chest.

"You alright?" Heather asked noticing the small movement.

"Yeah my sternum has been hurting a lot lately. I haven't told Camz I don't want to yet because I don't think it's a big deal." Lauren sighed.

"You don't know that. You should got to your cardiologist." Heather explained making a drink for another costumer.

"I'll call him. It's just pressure pain. Last time I got checked I hadn't had anything. Like my heart was at 100 percent." Lauren stated. She cringed at the pain that shot through her chest just then.

"You look like your really hurting though. You have kids on the way seriously call him as soon as you get home. You don't want something bad to happen." Heather explained.

"Yeah. True. Alright. I think I am going to go." Lauren spoke standing up. "The pain goes to my arm. It hurts so bad."

"Call." Heather demanded.

Lauren walked out the bar and pulled her phone out and dialed up her doctor.

"Hey Doctor Huron. Yeah I need to come in. I've been having chest pains." Lauren explained. "You can take a walk in right now? Ok I'm on my way thank you. Bye." Lauren hung up and walked over to her car.

"Please nothing be wrong." Lauren mumbled to herself sighing.

So comment. I'm leaving you with this for 4 days. I have a project to finish. So I'll see you all Tuesday. Love you byeee ❤️

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