05 | "Maybe you can do a striptease for me?"

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Elise had taken Luke to the bathroom. His eyes were covered with a ribbon so he couldn't see.

She had told him to walk in first so she could close and lock the door. He had walked carefully in, his hands rising up on the level of his shoulders just in case something was there.

Elise giggled to herself as she watched Luke, before delicately taking his hands in hers and wrapping them around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close.

Luke could feel her warm skin and lace fabric under the touch of his hands. He gulped as he faced down at her. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest in the silence and it wouldn't be a shock if she could too.

She slowly moved them back until Luke's back was pressed against the wall. Luke didn't want to ruin anything so he let her do what she wanted.

She licked her lips before slowly leaning up, pressing her lips on his soft ones. Luke felt his breath hitched in his throat at her touch but he kissed her back immediately. He loved her kisses. They're soft, sweet and warm. A kiss he could never get tired of.

He pulled her closer by her waist, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. The kiss was slow yet passionate, filled with love. He wanted to be slow because it's Elise. She's a piece of art to him. And art should be appreciated, not rushed.

But when his hands trailed down to her ass, he knew he couldn't take it slow anymore. His hand was in contact with her warm skin and lace fabric.

He roughly grabbed her hips and pulled her even closer if that was possible. Even with his eyes closed, she was making it hard for him to not lose control.

Luke trailed wet kisses down her neck, licking the skin below her ear, making her shiver. He smirked, biting the skin and sucking on it before soothing the sore spot with his tongue.

"Take the blindfold off me, babygirl," he growled against her skin before trailing kisses down to her shoulder. Even the shoulder was bare. Where is the strap, Luke thought. He knew she wasn't naked and he was eager to see her.

Her fingers worked with the knot, opening it before dropping the ribbon on the floor. Luke's eyes fluttered open and he pulled away from her, his mouth falling apart the moment he saw her full body.

 Luke's eyes fluttered open and he pulled away from her, his mouth falling apart the moment he saw her full body

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She was wearing a black lingerie and it totally made him drool. His eyes scanned her whole body, lingering at each part.

His eyes snapped back to look at her face before looking back to her body. He couldn't believe she was wearing this. It looked like she was a dominant, and Luke would be on his knees to be her slave or submissive.

He rapidly blinked at her, gulping before clearing his throat. He didn't fucking trust his own voice. "Why are y-you wearing this, pretty girl?" Fucking hell, he thought. He was now sexually frustrated.

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