11 | "Please, fuck me"

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Warning - slutty clothes

Vanessa was feeling extremely horny while Luke and her were watching a movie on the TV in his bedroom, at night.

He just sat there, with his hands behind his head, showing his arm muscles. It was getting hot in their room.

He slightly laughed at the movie, turning his head to side to look at her because she wasn't laughing at all.

She was deep in her own thoughts about him, her eyes fixed on the edge of the bed. She didn't even realise that she was staring at nothing as she was lost in her own world.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, gently putting his hand on her shoulder. She looked cute from her side-face angle.

She was snapped out of her thoughts. "Yeah, I-I'll just change my clothes." She stood up, speed-walking out of his room.

Luke watched her in confusion before pausing the movie. He sat there, waiting for her to come back, with his legs stretched out and hands resting on his stomach, a small smirk on his lips.

 He sat there, waiting for her to come back, with his legs stretched out and hands resting on his stomach, a small smirk on his lips

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She was about to grab her nightwear from her wardrobe when an idea ran into her wild mind. She grabbed her not-actually-a-nightdress nightdress along with a black robe with long sleeves.

She quickly changed out of her shirt and shorts into the dress before wearing the robe and tying a knot on it. She had brought the dress, thinking that someday she would surprise him by wearing it.

She walked to his room, closing the door behind her as she went inside. Luke smiled at her as she walked to the bed, opening his arm for her so she could cuddle into him.

She grinned, crawling on the bed before snuggling into him, resting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her before grabbing the remote with the other hand, resuming the movie.

Vanessa paid no attention to the movie, she was still thinking about the boy she was cuddling to. She didn't plan what she would do next so she did the first thing that came on her mind.

She leaned her head up and softly kissed the skin of Luke's neck before looking back at the TV. She could feel his breath hitch in his throat at the contact.

She rested her hand on his thigh to get herself more comfortable. Luke didn't know if she was doing this to tease him or if it was just him thinking. And now, his attention has also gone from the movie.

Her hand moved up to grab his hand, her hand making a lingering contact with his crotch in the process, before intertwining their fingers and resting them on his thigh.

He now knew that she was doing this on purpose, and even if it was a coincidence, it would still affect him anyway. He could feel the bulge growing in his shorts.

He paused the movie before looking at her. Vanessa looked back at him, a confused look on her face. She looks so innocent, Luke thought.

"Why did you pau—" she was cut off by his lips pressing on hers as he cupped her cheek. She responded back to him, smiling into the kiss.

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