01 | "You slept in this?"

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Luke's eyes flutter open and adjusted to the brightness of the sunlight falling on him and his girlfriend, Elise. He had his arms wrapped around her waist, on his hoodie that she was wearing as her back was pressed to his front.

Luke was very tired last night so they both decided to sleep at 10 p.m., it was a little early for them. Elise thought they would do some activities at midnight since tomorrow, well now, today is Luke's birthday.

He watched her brown hair, shining golden because of the sunlight that peeked through the window.

He tugged her hair behind her ear and nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck before leaving a small, light kiss below her ear. His lips brushed the soft skin of her neck and the tip of his nose on her jaw as he closed his eyes again.

Elise eyes slowly fluttered open as Luke held her closer by her waist, his grip slightly tightening. She realises that his face was buried in her neck, his hot breath fanning her skin. She runs her hand along his and intertwined their fingers.

Luke smiled at the gesture, his eyes still closed. "Good morning, petal," his voice was raspy, deep with sleep and he softly kissed her neck.

She smiled, her face getting red at the nickname. "Happy birthday, babe," she said, her voice hoarse as she just woke up.

Luke felt his heart skip a beat as she called him babe. He removed his face from her, looking at her side-face.

Her soft skin was glowing and her eyes narrowed, still trying to adjust to the light. Her cheeks had a tint of red in them. She looks cute when she blushes, Luke thought.

He delicately pecked her cheek. "Thank you," he mumbled against her skin.

Elise turned her head to the side and Luke the chance to peck her soft lips. She swiftly turns around and nuzzles her head in the crook of his neck.

Luke groans as her ass rubs his morning wood. Elise, being concerned, asks, "Wh-what happened?" She removes her face from his to look at his.

"Nothing," Luke tells her, more like to himself but Elise doesn't look satisfied with his answer.

It was a Saturday which meant holiday for both of them. She was confused, it wasn't like they couldn't spent the whole day together. There was nothing to be worried about, at least for her.

"No, Luke, tell me. What's wrong?" She gently put her hands on his cheeks. His beautiful blue eyes shined as he looked into her chocolatey brown ones.

Luke was a little confused, She can't feel it? He was relieved that she couldn't feel it but actually, she didn't pay attention down there.

"Baby, it's really nothing," he gently tells her and pecks her pink lips. But Elise still didn't believe him.

"Luke, please, tell me." She pleaded, looking into his eyes. Luke melted at the sight in front of her. She really had nothing to worry about so much.

"You really wanna know?" Luke asks her, his eyes slightly getting darker. She nodded in response.

Her eyes went a little wide as Luke swiftly rolled them over so her back was pressed on the mattress, Luke hovering over her and their bodies pressed together. "It's just that you really turn me on."

"Oh," was all Elise could say. She, now, felt to his hard crotch pressed on hers. She watched as Luke's eyes went darker. She also realised that he wasn't wearing any shirt. "Do y-you, maybe, want me to h-help?"

Yes, Luke wanted to say. He wanted to be more straightforward but it was Elise he was talking to. A little part of him wanted to say 'no, you don't have to' but the rest wanted to enjoy asking her innocence.

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