08 | "Where's My Milk?"

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Rosie laid on the bed with a bedsheet covering her legs and back pressed against the headboard, watching TV as she waited for Luke to come back home. He was still working in his Hemmings clothing shop.

But by the time Luke was home, she was asleep, just like that, with the TV on. Luke turned off the TV and decided to take a quick shower and changed into a t-shirt and shorts before he laid beside Rosie.

He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the tip of her shoulder before resting his head on it. But he couldn't stop. He trailed soft kisses up her neck.

Rosie's eyes fluttered open when she felt a soft kiss on her jaw. She looked to her side and saw Luke's cute face. She lazily smiled at him as he leaned his head up, and leaned down to peck his lips.

Luke shifted in his position and rested his head on Rosie's chest as she rubbed her eyes with her hands before wrapping her arms around him. She kissed his head before resting her chin on it, a small smile on her face.

"My baby," Rosie murmured, her arms slightly tightening around him.

A grin took over Luke's lips as she said those words. He looked up at her, making her look down at him. He licked his lips, "Where's my milk then?"

"What?" Rosie didn't understand what he meant. He doesn't drink just milk, he drinks tea and coffee.

Luke started leaving open-mouthed kisses on her neck as she kept wondering but she wasn't lost in her world. She tilted her head to the side to give him more space to work on.

Luke's arm, that was around her waist, was now making its way down her thighs, his hand slipping between them before he gripped one of them. And that's when she thought that she understood what he meant by milk.

"Luke, not right now, please," Rosie pleaded. Even though her particular region was getting all warm and wet, she didn't want him to lick her up at that moment.

"What not right now?" Luke asked against her wet skin before he started kissing her collarbone, his hand not leaving her thigh.

"I–" she trailed off, not really knowing what to say. She thought for a moment before she decided to ask it straight. She stuttered as she asked, "You want me to cum on your tongue?" She mentally face-palmed herself, that sounded so bad.

Luke smirked. Oh, how good it felt to listen to the dirty words leaving her mouth in her innocent tone. He knew that she would say something that would turn him on more than he was before.

"What? Why would you say that?" Luke asked innocently, pushing her to say more.

"Because you asked me for milk and your hand–" she couldn't speak anymore, her cheeks were on fire.

She was feeling so small and embarrassed. She just wanted to hide herself from Luke so she covered her face with her hands which was the least thing she could do. "Why do you do this to me?" She muttered.

Luke's head snapped up. "Hey, look at me," he softly said but she didn't dare to move. He gently held her hands and removed them from her face but she was facing down.

He cupped her face and made her look at him but her eyes were looking down. "You did nothing wrong." There was a small pause before he completed, "Anyways, I wanted to hear you say those words."

At this, Rosie looked up at him, it made his heart flutter when she looked at him with her beautiful eyes. "Cheeky bastard," she slapped his arm.

Luke laughed and pulled her closer. "You love it though," he said before kissing her. "But I'll still ask you, where's my milk?"

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