10 | "What's a kiss then?"

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It was around 8 in the morning when Elise woke up and Luke wasn't beside her

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It was around 8 in the morning when Elise woke up and Luke wasn't beside her. She was waiting for Luke to show up while she laid on the bed.

"Luke!" Elise exclaimed from her laying position on the bed when she saw him coming out of the restroom, shirtless, that was attached to the room.

"Come here," she happily said, opening her arms for him with a grin on her face. Luke smiled and walked closer to her, grabbing both of her hands in his. "Come closer," she said with a small laugh.

Luke swiftly hovered over her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Elise giggled, "Closer."

Luke looked here and there, he was already as close to her as he could be so he didn't move at all.

Elise smiled at him, he looked cute when he was confused. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face closer to hers so their noses were brushing. "I love you."

Her eyes were half-open and the grin was still on her lips, and she was absolutely adorable. She looked so carefree and relaxed with the guy she loved more than anything in her arms.

She was feeling very giddy - all she wanted to do was to shower all her love on her lovely boyfriend.

"I thought you would kiss me," Luke jutted his bottom lip out which was, just barely, brushing hers. Even though she didn't kiss him, those three words from her mouth affected him more than anything.

It made his heart skip a beat before it melted into a puddle of softness, and his breaths became heavy with his chest falling and rising.

"Do you want me to?" She asked, her eyes looking down at his lips before back at his ocean blue eyes.

"No. Not a-" he was cut off by her soft lips pressed on his own. His eyes fluttered close on its own with the touch of her lips, his grip slightly loosening on her as he melted into her touch.

She slowly pulled away, "Don't worry, it wasn't a kiss." There was a small pause before she continued, "Just a peck." A long, lingering peck, she could have said.

"Oh? What's a kiss then?" Luke asked, cocking his head to the side. Their faces were so close that he could just lean down and kiss her right then and there.

Elise giggled as she trailed her hand down his neck, her thumb resting on his cheek, before she closed the gap between them and captured his pink lips in hers, gently kissing him.

Luke smiled into the kiss before holding her closer by her waist. He never, ever wanted to let go of her. All he wanted was to be as close to Elise as possible.

One of her hands played with the ends of his hair while the other, that was wrapped around the side of his neck, was now cupping his cheek. She poured all her love and care, the gentleness, for him into the kiss.

"I love you," Luke said as he pecked her lips last time before slowly pulling away his lips from hers. He softly kissed her cheek before plopping himself beside her, his face buried in her neck and his arm wrapped around her. He delicately kissed the skin on her neck before smiling as his eyes fluttered close, "More than anything."

Elise's heart fluttered as he said those words. She turned to his side and softly pecked the dimple on his cheek before plopping herself back on the pillow.

Luke's smile grew when her warm lips touched his cheek. Elise slipped her arm under his head and snuggled closer to him before pecking his lips one last time.

She watched him as he snuggled closer to her, his arm holding her closer to him. His golden curls fell on his forehead and a pretty smile on his soft, pink lips. He was definitely an angel sent from God.

"Goodnight, babe," she whispered after a few minutes, hoping he was already asleep. But she knew he was listening when he pulled her closer by her waist and his smile was pressed on her lips.

"You're cute," he grinned as he pulled away from the kiss. "And on second thought, why would I sleep when you're awake too?"

Elise giggled at him. "Because it's early in the morning," she answered him. "What if I just sleep?" She challenged even though she won't be able to sleep till he's asleep.

"I won't let you," he said and shifted himself to hover over her, resting his forehead on hers.

He watched as her eyes fluttered close with a small smile forming on her lips. The sight melted his heart. She was just so beautiful. "But do you want to sleep?" He softly asked, pecking her lips.

She grinned before opening her eyes, "No if you don't want to." It was true, if he stays awake, she will too. She loves to spend time with him in both ways - awake or asleep.

Luke grinned, "But are you sleepy?" He was concerned, he didn't want to take away her sleep.

"It's fine, Luke. I can stay-" she was cut off by his soft lips on hers, his hands cupping her cheeks.

"Shh, baby," Luke chuckled. "Get some more sleep," he whispered before pecking her forehead.

He plopped himself beside her, snuggling close to her with his head resting on her chest and arms wrapped around her.

"Goodnight, princess," he said, looking up at her before leaning up to peck her lips one last time. "I love you."

She hummed in response, a smile on her lips. "I love you more," she mumbled before they both went to sleep for another hour.


Long time, no update
Exams are here, for god's sake
You weren't here for fluff
But I had to post stuff

- peace and please still love me

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