07 | "You're such a tease"

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Elise and Luke were outside his room when she asked him to wear the ribbon again. He sighed, agreeing before wrapping it around his eyes.

She opened the door for him before grabbing his hand and carefully making him walk to the bed. She told him to sit down and open the blindfold when he'll hear the door shut.

He simply nodded, eager to know what's going to happen next. He crawled on the bed, sitting in the middle with his back pressed against the headboard and legs stretched out.

Elise smiled as Luke bit his bottom lip. He was impatient. He could have just grabbed her hand and pulled onto him but he wanted her to do what she wanted. He wanted to see what she's up to.

She left the room, closing the door. Luke's ears perked up at the sound and he immediately opened the knot of his blindfold, struggling when he did.

Elise walked to the kitchen table and poured herself a little wine in the glass. She wanted to be tipsy. She wanted the adrenaline to rush inside her to boost her confidence.

Luke saw the room filled with rose petals. There were a few candles in corners of the room and a dull light was on. He could see everything in the contrast.

Elise had changed the bedsheet to a white one and the sheet used for covering bodies to red and the pillows were white. There were rose petals spread on the bed and the wooden floor.

A grin took its place on his lips. How cute, he thought. She decorated his room just to be romantic which made him feel special on his birthday.

Luke's head snapped up as the sound of the door closing again. Everything felt in slow motion as he watched her.

She slowly untied the knot of the stripe of her silky, red robe with her thin fingers before she opened it, exposing her silky red nightie. The grin on his lips faded, his lips parted as he watched her. Fucking hell, he thought. The sight was too sexy for him.

She slid the robe down her smooth arms, dropping it on the floor with a faint 'thud' sound following

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She slid the robe down her smooth arms, dropping it on the floor with a faint 'thud' sound following. She slowly walked towards him, her teeth grazing her bottom lip. He could feel his shorts tightening but he didn't give a shit about it as he watched her walk in slow motion, and she could clearly see the bulge growing in his shorts.

She chuckled, grinning that he was clearly enjoying the show with his lips fallen open and the grown bulge in his shorts. She crawled over the bed before straddling him, knees beside his legs as she stood on them. He gulped the drool down his throat harshly before closing his lips shut.

She was still grinning as she cupped his face delicately. "Luke, I haven't even done anything," she chuckled, their faces very close as her hot breath fanned over his face.

She leaned forward, placing her lips next to his ear as she lowly spoke, "But yet I can see the tight bulge in your shorts."

She kissed the skin below his ear and he shivered under her touch. She grinned against his skin before pulling away, slowly sitting down on his crotch.

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