06 | "Let me take you on this table"

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After the couple showered and changed into some fresh and comfortable clothes, they laid on the couch, cuddling each other and soon falling asleep. Luke and Elise were both quite tired.

It had been a few hours of a great nap after which Elise woke up, smiling at him who was still sleeping with his lips parted as his soft snores filled the air.

Elise glanced at the clock on the wall, exhaling in relief that it wasn't that late to make dinner she planned.

She laid there for a while, silently watching him sleep and waiting for her laziness to go away. She thought that it would be a better option to cut her laziness away by getting up.

She carefully held his hand in hers and placed it on the side of his body, looking up at him the same time to make sure he wasn't being woken up. She got up from the couch, quickly giving Luke a soft peck on his cheek before going to the kitchen.

Elise grabbed her phone, clicking it a few times before placing it on the dining table. She washed her hands and face before starting to get the dinner done.

Her mood songs from her Spotify playlist played softly in the background from her phone as she took out the ingredients from the cabinets.

Luke turned around from his sleeping position, his eyes slightly opening as he did. He realised that Elise wasn't there with him. He blew the air from his lips, slowly getting up and sitting on the couch.

He sat there for a while with his eyes closed, debating when he should stand up. At one side, there was rest and on the other side, Elise. And he knew what he wanted but still made any move.

Fuck it, he thought and stood up, walking around for any signs of her. He walked towards the direction where lights were on. He could hear the faint music getting louder when he approached close.

His feet dragged him to the kitchen, his lazy eyes scanning the room when he saw her swaying her hips to the song. Unsurprisingly, he was turned on.

He walked towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind her and delicately kissed the spot under her ear before nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck.

Elise jumped slightly as his hands slid under baggy shirt, grazing her warm and soft skin. She was used to Luke wrapping his arms around her while she cooked.

Elise giggled. "Had a good nap?" She asked lowly, not wanting to be so perky to annoy the still sleepy Luke.

He just hummed in response, tracing her skin with the tip of his nose and his lips. "Me too," she replied, knowing that he was going to ask her.

They stood there for a while in silence as Elise stirred the sauce she made. The smell of food filled both of their noses and the kitchen. Luke was excited to eat what she had made.

She turned off the stove, turning around in his grip and resting her head on chest as she wrapped her arms around his torso. Luke smiled, moving his head to rest it on her head which made her smile.

And as if on cue, as if it was a cockblock of a nice moment, Animals by Maroon 5 started playing.

"Baby, I'm preying on you tonight. Hunt you down, eat you alive. Just like animals, animals. Like animals-mals…"

To Elise, there was no song playing, it was just Luke and her in each other's arms. On the other hand, the song made Luke more turned on.

He lowly groaned, trailing his hands to her hips, snapping Elise from her trance. She looked up at him, surprised by his lips clashing with hers. She was quick to respond, her hands cupping his cheeks.

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