02 | "I could fuck you right here"

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Luke was all dressed up in white shirt and black jeans after they both had bathed. Elise had changed into comfortable clothes – Luke's t-shirt and her underwear.

They both were watching TV as they had ate pancakes in breakfast that Elise made with her soft hands. They tasted very good. Luke even moaned when he put the first piece of pancake in his mouth.

Elise told him to go so she could do the arrangements for the later events. Luke grinned, embracing her in a hug as they sat on the couch. He didn't want to leave her.

Elise had slapped his arm lightly so he would let go of her. He did, and pouted at her before he slowly walked to the door and she watched him.

Why is he so cute, Elise thought. She also wanted to spend time with him but she also knew that she would later.

Luke was about to leave the apartment, his hand on the doorknob but he turned around, wanting a kiss from his lovely girlfriend. He still had the pout on his soft, pink lips.

Confused, Elise stood up from the couch. "What happened? The door isn't opening? It must be locked from up." She asked as she took steps towards him.

"No," Luke said as she stood right in front of him. "Give me a kiss." He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

She smiled, gently cupping his cheek with her hand and he leaned into her touch, his eyes fluttering close as he waited for her lips to felt on his.

Elise leaned up, softly pecking his cheek on which she didn't have her hand. At this, Luke's eyes opened. "That's not what I meant," he whined as she pulled away.

She giggled, "But you didn't tell me where you wanted me to kiss you either." He pouted, wanting her to get the hint and kiss his lips.

"You're such a baby," she murmured and cupped his cheek, reaching up to peck his lips with her own. My baby, she wanted to say. "I love you," she said against his lips, lost in his eyes.

Luke didn't get the chance to say it back as her lips were moving against his. Now that their lips were locked, Elise didn't want to let go of him. She trailed her hands to his neck and played with his hair.

"Mmm," he moaned into the kiss. He bit lightly on her bottom lip, pulling it back and slipping his tongue in her mouth.

His tongue danced with hers, battling for dominance before he won. His tongue swirled around and tasted every inch of her mouth. She tasted like the tasty pancakes she made.

"Jump," he said against her lips as he pulled away, his hands trailing to her bare thighs.

She jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist as her hands stayed where they were. Luke moved them back, her back hitting the wall as they continued to kiss.

The kiss was hungry just like his dick. Elise had her composure until he started grinding his hips slowly on hers. She gasped against his mouth and he continued to grind his hips on hers with pressure, his boner clearly felt by her. After all, she was in her underwear.

"Look what you do to me," he panted, wanting all their clothes to disappear. "I could fuck you right here, on this wall." There was a small pause before he continued, "Can I do that, babygirl?"

Elise wanted nothing more but same now, she could feel the wetness dripping between her thighs.

All she could do was nod in response as he continued grinding his hips. "Fuck," he stopped grinding and put her down.

He hooked his fingers on the waistband of her underwear and swiftly pulled it down her legs, throwing it away. His hands reached down to open the botton of his jeans when Elise spoke up.

"M-may I-I?" She stuttered, pointing to his jeans. Luke looked at her with a little wide eyes but nodded.

Her hands found their way to his crotch and Luke let out a throaty groan. Elise pulled his zipper down, pulling his jeans and boxer down to his ankles before standing up.

He didn't waste any time in connecting their lips, his fingers playing with the hem of her shirt. Elise pulled away, giving him the access to pull his t-shirt off from her.

It was an arousing sight in front of him. She wasn't wearing a bra so she stood there, completely naked in front of him.

"Fuck," he groaned, connecting their lips again and lifting her up. She wraps her legs around his waist.

She was about to tell him to do something when he slowly pushed his length inside her.

Elise let out a long moan into the kiss. She hold onto his shoulders tight as he slowly pushed all of him deep inside her.

Luke's eyes roll back at the feeling. She was so warm and wet. He thrusted slowly inside her, his lips attaching to her neck. He enjoyed every second of being inside her, she was just so good.

His lips left open-mouthed kisses on her neck and she tilted it to her side to give him more space. Luke's hand gripped her thighs as he sped up is pace, thrusting faster inside her.

Elise let out a long string of moans and whimpers as he rolled his hips on her, his penis hitting her walls.

"Beautiful," Luke commented against her skin at her sounds. "So fucking beautiful." He wanted to hear more so he thrusted sharply inside her, hitting her g-spot.

"Luke," she cried out in pleasure. He continued sharply thrusting into her, rapidly. His pace was fast and his shaft was thrusting deep into her.

Elise was a maoning mess. She was bouncing up and down on the wall as he slammed his length inside her. Her breasts that hanged on her body, bounced up and down. She looked like a goddess to Luke, she really did.

"Fucking heaven," Luke pulled away from her neck and took her nipple in his mouth. His cold, wet tongue swirling around her hard nipple as he slammed into her.

Elise threw her head back at the contact, her hands tugging his hair softly. He gently bit her nipple before sucking it, forming a bruise.

Luke pulled his lips away, his hot breath hitting her wet nipple as he panted. Elise's back arched at this, her hips jerking forward. His thrusts were getting sloppier as he tried to hit her soft spot rapidly.

"God, Luke," she cried, clenching her walls around his shaft. "I'm gonna— Luke!" She cried out, loudly, as she came undone on his shaft.

Luke didn't waste any time and came undone, releasing his hot cum inside her with a whimper escaping his lips. He slowly trusted in and out, riding their highs.

"Fuck, I love you." He panted, pulling his length out of her. "So fucking much," he pressed his lips on hers.

She smiled into the kiss, "Now, wear your clothes and get out so I can meet you soon." She playfully told him and laughed.

He lazily smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, darling," he said before putting her down. "You can have me inside you when you'll meet me."


Should I attach pictures of lingries? It's so weird to ask lol

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