09 | "I feel empty"

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Warning - daddy kink

Rosie's eyes fluttered open as Luke pulled her closer by his arm that was around her waist. Now that her eyes were open, she didn't want to sleep.

She took in his facial features - his front hair falling on his forehead, a light tint of red in his soft cheeks and the prettiest shade of pink on his lips. She softly kissed the skin of his chest, as he was only wearing his boxers, before she managed to get out of his grasp.

She stood up from the bed, looking at him. He laid there on his side with his hands resting on an empty mattress, with the sheet covering his lower body. She smiled at him before walking to the restroom that was attached to the room.

Luke's eyes flutter open as he hears the soft sound of the door shutting close. He realised that she wasn't beside him. Sighing, he slowly sat up before lightly rubbing his hand on his face, rubbing the sleep away.

He removed his hands from his face as he heard the sound of the door opening and softly shutting close. "Baby," he said, his voice deep with sleep, as he opened his arms for her.

She grinned before walking towards him and straddling him by his lap, his arms wrapping around her waist as she cupped his face, softy kissing him.

She grinned before walking towards him and straddling him by his lap, his arms wrapping around her waist as she cupped his face, softy kissing him

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[I changed the type of underwear]

She had worn a lace sleepwear dress with a lace, white hipster underwear. It was cute but she looked hot in it. Luke loved that dress on her.

"You're so cute," he rasped, his fingers tugging her hair behind her ear before he pecked her lips once more.

She grinned before nuzzling her face in the crook of his neck, leaving soft kisses on his skin before she pulled away. "Luke, I feel empty," she jutted her bottom lip out a bit.

Luke cupped her cheek as his thumb ran over her bottom lip. "Empty?" He asked, slightly raising his eyebrow and she slowly nodded. "Baby, are you hungry?" He chuckled as he asked.

She paused before nodding again, the pout still on her lip. He delicately pecked her lips again, she just looked so cute. "What do you want, sweetheart?" He tugged her hair behind her ear once again before looking at her.

"Umm..." she trailed off, tilting her head to the side as she looked up before looking down then shyly back at him. She knew what she wanted from the start.

She slowly moved forward, her crotch meeting his own. Her underwear rubbed against his boxers as she moved forward, creating a friction between them which caused Luke to hiss and grip her hips. She could feel his morning wood growing under her.

"Can I-" she paused herself, looking down again before slowly looking up at him as she asked, "Can I have daddy's cock?"

The grip of his hands on her hips was now loose, his mouth running dry as his lower jaw fell loose. Luke could feel his bulge growing at each moment, his dick ready to burst out of his boxers.

She was fiddling with her fingers that rested between her thighs. "I'm really hungry. I feel so empty," she sighed before continuing.

"I want to feel your cock," she took his hand and placed it on the wet region of her underwear. "Right here." She looked up at him, "I want you to fill up my emptiness. I want you to fill me with your hot cum."

Luke's dick was throbbing underneath her, in his boxers. Even she could feel his length poking her thigh. His dick just wanted to be out of his boxers, it was begging to be out of its fucking cage.

"Can I have that, daddy?" She asked, pausing before she cocked her head to the side and pouted, "Please?"

She looked so goddamn innocent but her words were nothing like that. He now understood what she meant by her 'I feel empty' and why she hesitantly nodded when he asked her if she was hungry.

Luke gulped before licking his lips, "You want my cock inside you, don't you?" She nodded, smiling at him. He chuckled at her before swiftly rolling them over so her back was pressed against the mattress and he was hovering over her.

He nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck as she was breathing heavily. "You're so naughty," he whispered against her ear before trailing kisses down her neck, leaving marks on her skin.

He crawled down and swiftly took off her underwear from her before taking his own boxers off him. He opened her legs before adjusting his length on her entrance as he plopped himself on his knees in between her legs.

He pushed himself inside her, his large shaft already hitting her sensitive spot harshly. "Daddy," she whimpered, gripping on the bedsheet for her dear life as he thrusted in and out.

His hands gripped her hips as he continued with his harsh thrusts. "You like this? You like my cock inside your tight pussy?"

"Yes!" She cried out, her heavy moans filling the air as she felt like she was in heaven itself.

"Yes, what?" Luke pulled away, his tip still inside her.

"Yes, daddy," Rosie corrected herself.

He smirked before slamming his shaft inside her, his tip sharply hitting her g-spot, making her cry out loudly.

"Good girl," he groaned, rolling his hips, his length slapping her wet walls. "Such a good girl for me."

He held her thighs and wrapped them around his waist before gripping her hips and slapping his hips on hers at the new angle.

"Oh my god," Rosie let out a high-pitched cry. "Daddy, just like that," she said loudly as he continued slapping into her, his tip rapidly hitting her sweet spot.

His shaft was deeply into her, hitting every single inch of her. The feeling of ecstasy rushed into their veins as he continued with his thrusts and rolled his hips at times.

"You feel so good, babygirl." A long string of groans and curses left his lips as he pounded into her. "So warm around me."

All they could hear was their whimpers, moans, curses and groans along with the sound of his shaft hitting her wet walls.

"Fuck, Rosie, can you cum?" He panted, hastily hitting her sensitive spot. "Can you cum right on daddy's cock?"

"Oh my go- Daddy," she cried, coming undone on his shaft before Luke shooted his own load, filling her inside with it. He pulled out of her, laying down on the bed beside her as they both panted.

"Daddy?" she asked, making sure that she had his attention as her hand reached down to grab his.

"Hmm?" He hummed, intertwining their fingers before bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it three times.

She snuggled close to him, placing her lips next to his ear, making his breath hitch in his throat. "I don't think I'm full yet."


Happy Valentine's Day! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡

Happy Valentine's Day! (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡

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