12 | Tumblr / Cock Warming

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Credits: prettyyyboyluke



My chest was pressed up against Luke’s legs while both of us were glued to our phones. He was retweeting all the youngblood promo on twitter, replying to fans, and occasionally replying to tweets Calum had sent out. His free hand was running through my hair, tugging on it every now and then to make me look up at him. I wore one of Luke's favorite shirts, his white button up with the first few buttons undone and a pair of PJ bottoms.

I set my phone down on the couch and closed my eyes to concentrate on Luke playing with my hair. My hands mindlessly traced the hem of Luke’s grey sweats that hung low on his hips. I hummed when Luke tugged on my hair making my eyes open again.

“C’mere,” Luke whispered. I sat up and moved to his lap. “Hold on, this is gonna be such a cute picture.” I giggled while grabbing my phone. I held Luke's face in my hand and snapped the shot. “Cute.”

Luke grabbed my chin and pulled me down for a kiss. His lips were soft against mine, and the kiss was passionate, making me smile. Luke's hands grabbed my hips to pull me closer towards him, making me grind up against him. Luke groaned against my lips making me pull back.

After the group was done with the small portion of their tour, Luke and I have had many rough nights. So this past week, we’ve been gentle.

“Baby,” Luke began, I hummed in response playing with his hair, “Let me slip inside you.”

“Luke, I’m so sore.” I whined.

“No angel, just keep me inside you.” Luke cleared.

“The boys are coming over though, you can’t be inside of me when you’re focused on whatever you’re doing.” I argued.

“That's the fun angel,” Luke winked. Getting caught is exciting, doing something you shouldn’t in public got Luke’s blood rushing. Thinking more about it made me tingle and Luke could tell.

“Getting wet baby? I can feel it.” Luke smirked. I agreed to whatever Luke wanted, I was putty in his hands and he knew it.

Once Luke slipped himself inside me I let out a somewhat strangled moan. “Can’t make any noise while the boys are here, baby.” Luke said.

I glared at him, causing him to grab my throat. “Don’t give me that look.” Luke darted. There were very few times when Luke came out, mostly when I gave him a lot of attitude.

The door flew open with the three boys shoving their way into mine and Luke’s apartment. “I am ready to kick your ass in Fifa.” Michael shouted, running to his spot on the floor. Thank god Luke’s shirt was long, or else it would be super obvious what we were doing.

“Says the guy who was beat three times in a row in one hour.” Calum laughed.

“Luke, you in?” Michael asked, waving a controller in the air. “Nah. I’m good, mate. We’ll just watch.” Luke said.

I reached for my phone, causing Luke to hold my hips down. A whimper slipped through my lips making everyone turn their heads.

“Everything alright?” Ashton asked. I felt like I couldn’t speak so I just nodded. this was such a new feeling, Luke wasn’t even moving in me, he was just sitting there.

“Luke, I can’t handle this.” I whined.

“Yes, you can. You’re just feeling.” Luke whispered.

As time went by I got more comfortable, shifting every now and then making Luke groan and a smile appear on my lips. Once the boys left, my hair was tugged down and my ear leveled with Luke's mouth.

“You’re in so much trouble, angel.”


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