Chapter 6; Girl Talk

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"Girls, I'm so glad you could make it!!" I say to my friends as they walk inside. "Glad to come" Rainbow responds "Yeah, I love these fun get togethers we have!" Twilight adds. "Now girls, let's get to chatting!" I smile as we go into my parlor. "So, y'all, what's new?" A.J asks. For some reason at this question Dash blushes. "Oooooh Dash, what's the scoop?!?" I ask, giggling. "What'd you mean?" Rainbow asks smiling. Everybody started giggling. "Fiiiiiine. After we heard Century 7's new song, Burning Flame walked me home." "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh" Everybody is giggling again. "Did anything.... happen between you two?" Fluttershy giggles "No, not really." Dash replies. I groan. "Anyone else have any gossip?" I ask. At this, Twilight blushes. "What what what what what what?" Pinkie Pie hyperly asks. "Flash and!" Everybody started giggling, congratulating and smiling for Twilight. This is why I love these talks. They bring everyone together and I can learn the... juicy things in my friends' lives. Oh, wait, I just remeberd! "Now girls I have some news!" Gasps all around. "I ...have just gotten...a job...with Photo Finish!!" Everyone started cheering for me!!! "Oh Rarity, that's great!!" Twilight gasps. "Yeah, this job's probably be..epic for you!" Rainbow Dash comments. "Y'all are gonna be great!" AJ says "I'm so happy for you Rarity!" Fluttershy whispers. "I'm sure it's gonna be FUN!" Pinkie Pie shouts. "Thank you all very much for your emphasis but there's a catch. For the the job, I'll have to move. " Gasps again. "To..Manhattan.

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