Chapter 14: Burning Flame's Update

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Burning Flame:

All of my friends have told me to get over Dash, but I cant. And only Flash agrees that it makes no sense that Rainbow'd be back with Soarin'. It really confuses me. But I know that the only thing I can do is get her back, and figure out why this all happened. Although, I've been getting the vibe that she doesn't want to be with him, either. Hmm, suspicious. But I have an idea, seeing as prom is coming up, I'll figure out then. It may sound crazy, but I've got it all worked out. Of course, all of the pre existing couples will be going together; Flash and Twilight, Vinyl and Octavia, I even heard that A.J. and Rarity were going to travel home for the event!

Oh, yeah, I mentioned Vinyl. I met her though Dash, she said that Vinyl saved her life during the battle of the bands that happened here. Also, she has a wicked car. So now we're pretty good friends and I know that she's dating a cello player named Octavia. I have also met a little tomboy named Scootaloo who looks up to Dash. Scoots has a group called the cutie Mark crusaders, who are searching for their purpose in the world. And I got to know Scoots so well that she looks up to me now, too. I also know that Scoots has a crush on a friend of hers!! I sure hope that she asks her crush to the prom, 'cause that would be great for the little rascal. Well, prom just can't come soon enough, because I need to get Rainbow Dash back.

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