Chapter 10; Glory Days

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Burning Flame:

Ah, my glory days. Dash and I are dating, things are going great with us, Flash and Twilight are together, as well as, surprisingly, Rarity and Applejack. I don't know a lot about those two girls, but I do know that they're total opposites, but, as they say, opposites attract. I love the way I feel right now, dating Rainbow Dash. She's exactly the way I described her in my song, beautiful, kind, amazing, just the kind of girl I've always wanted to date. One thing I have been planning, though, is our first kiss. That's something I know I have to plan right, seeing as I've never been kissed, and I don't think Rainbow has been kissed either so I need to make sure it's the best it can be! However, my plan is to elaborate to go over now. (It really isn't but...) Today, I'm going to take her on our first date and then I'll bring out my amazing plan and get that amazing first kiss! I know that I want to have my first kiss with Rainbow Dash because she's such an amazing girl. I definitely love Rainbow Dash.


I'm in a great state right now. No one's judging Rarity and I, seeing as we're dating now. I don't think I've ever seen Rainbow this happy, and Twilight's also very happy. Rarity always looks her best, being a rarity and all. She is just so pretty and kind, she's just the type of person you'd want to date. And when we kiss, I gat a fluttered feeling in my stomach, and I can't help but smile. Rarity makes me happy, and I do the same for her. We're quite the couple, but in a good way. I just wish she didn't have to move.


Oh, life is so good right now, that I can't believe it. Flash and I are dating, Rarity and AJ are together (which I saw coming) and Rainbow is joyful all the time. As for Flash and I, it's pure bliss. He always makes me smile, the way he talks about band and all that musical stuff, it's adorable. And the way he grins at me, oh, that makes my heart flutter. He's so perfect in the best way possible. I love Flash more than anything else, other than my girls of course. The only problem is, what if another threat comes to the school, and takes Flash away from me?

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