Chapter 13: Moving Day

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*happy sigh* Today, Applejack and I are leaving for Manhattan. I know it took a lot of convincing with Granny Smith for Applejack to come, and it means a lot to me. I really do love her, and I can't wait until we move in together. I know it may seem to early for us, and I'm a hopeless romantic, but I really feel something with her. Before we got together, I'd had a crush on her for a long time and I don't know why. I was just attracted to her. Opposites attract! So now we are loading the moving truck.

"Oh, darling I'm so excited for us to move in together!!" I exclaim, and Applejack kisses me on the cheek and says " Me either, this is goin' to be great!" As we keep loading, (with Big Mac's help) most of our freinds show up to see us off. First Twilight, then Rainbow Dash and then Pinkie and Fluttershy. While we're loading the truck, I notice that Rainbow Dash looks quite depressed, which is very unlike her. I walk over to her and ask, "Rainbow, what seems to be the matter?"

"Nothing," Rainbow responds, looking away. This girls all start walking over to the scene. "Now Rainbow Dash, I know something's wrong!" I protest. She sighs, then turns her head around. I could see that there were tears in her eyes. ""Burning Flame and I...broke up." We all gasp.

We stand there for a minute, staring at her in shock. Then A.J. says "Now I just can't believe that! You two were so close!"

"How did it happen?" I ask. Rainbow sighs again, then says "I broke up with him." Gasps again. "What?!? But why?" Applejack exclaims. "I decided he was too good for me. He's such a great guy, and I thought he would get frustrated with me if we continued with our relationship, so I ended it." She explaines. For some reason, Twilight laughed at this. "I read lots of romance novels and I've seen this type of situation. In this scenario, you shouldn't break up with your partner, you should talk about it with your partner!" She says, as though everyone should know that. We all laugh, except for Rainbow. She says, "So I could've avoided all of just talking to him?!? I'm so dumb! Oh, what have I gotten myself into?" We all keep laughing, then we finish loading the truck. Then we have to say our goodbyes. This is the worst part. I sigh. "Well everyone, time to say goodbye." I say. Everyone starts exchanging goodbye hugs and words of encouragement. I giggle a little when I see Applejack and Rainbow doing a bro hug, because those two are best friends, having done so many competitions together. I hug each of my friends with compassion, knowing that I would miss them a lot. Then Applejack opens the passenger door of our truck and I giggle and get into the truck. Then A.J. gets in and we drive out of the driveway waving to our friends as we leave, off to Manhattan.

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