Chapter 20: A Visit Gone Wrong Pt.2

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So today is the day that the boys go off and preform with their band and the day we girls go and get gussyed up for the the big show tonight! I'm excited and I know the girls are too. So the boys leave, Burning Flame giving Rainbow a kiss and Flash the same with Twilight then they leave. Then us girls get ready to go to the boutique. We leave and take a bus to the place where Rarity works. Once we get there we sign in and we sit down for our appointment. Although I'd rather be somewhere else, I'd do anything for my Rarity. Our salon worker came to get us, we went in to sit and get our hair done. While doing so, Rarity says, "So, I've heard that one of the best actresses on Broadway is in this production of Wicked, Midnight Solo!" Twilight looks at Rarity in disbelief. "Are you kidding?!? Midnight Solo is THE BEST actress on Broadway! Why she was in 'The Phantom Of The Opera' and 'Rent'. She was amazing in both productions! And that's not all, she's been in almost every great musical on Broadway!" We all look at Twilight in surprise, because we don't know that Twilight knows these things. "How'd you know that, Twilight?" Rainbow asks. "Oh, just from some books. Do we know what part she's playing?" Twilight replies "Oh, I believe that she's going to be Elphaba," Rarity says. "Oooooooooooh!! That very much suits such a great actress!" Twilight exclaims with very much excitement. Everyone then talks with each other in little conversations about their excitement. Then something strikes me. "Rarity, whose money did you use to buy these tickets?" I ask. Rarity gives me a look and says " Why does that matter A.J. ?" "Just curious, only because we should be saving up for college, right?" "Applejack, really that's not what's important bere." "Yes it is, Rarity!! What if you don't have enough money to go to that fashion college you want to go to?" "Applejack this day was supposed to be fun!!" "But we have futures ahead of us, Rarity!!" This went on mostly like that for about 10 minutes, then I leave. I leave because I'm done. Rarity can't appreciate that I'm trying to help her, and I can't handle this anymore. As I leave, I can see that the girls look scared and Rarity enraged. But  I don't go back , because I know I can't. I go home and start packing my bags.


Applejack just left. How could she ruin this day for me? I tried to give a surprise to some of my closest friends, which spent lots of money to come visit us! Applejack just can't see that one treat won affect anything! Ugh, I hope she's regretting her actions right now.  The girls all look terrified, so I say " Girls, it's fine just a fight." "Yes, but this fight could be the very thing that breaks your relationship!" Rainbow responds. "I really don't think so. She's probably just walking home right now, thinking about her actions, and regretting them. Then she will spontaneously show up at the musical and apologize to me!" "Um, no Rarity that's probably not gonna happen. Look, that's what I thought would happen with Flame and I, but he didn't exactly do something instantly either. And he wasn't very spontaneous anyways, he was just at prom and then comforted me. Although that was sweet, and it made me fall in love with him all over again, it wasn't at all what I expected." I sigh. "So what do I do now?" I ask. "Fix it! All you have to do is find her and talk it out, calmly. Or, you can just wait for her to spontaneously try to get you back." I smile. "Thank you Rainbow, I shall now go and get my Applejack back!" I then leave and start going home. But when I get there, Applejack's side of the closet is completely empty, and there is a note saying " I'll be back at CHS if you need me" I cry onto the note, feeling as though there is nothing I can do. Then I figure it out: I have to be the spontaneous one. Tomorrow when everyone else leaves, I'll come with them and find A.J. and convince her to come back! 

Rainbow Dash:

So, Rarity and Applejack tough, and I decided to call Applejack and try to get her to come back, because Rarity called us and told us that she had gone back to CHS and she was going there when we leave as well. So now I knew it was time to call Applejack. This was going to far. I call Applejack and when she picks up, I say "Very mature, Applejack." She replies with "What else should have I done, Rainbow?" "Talked it out?" "Yes but-" "Look A.J. you have to face your problems, not run away from them. Rarity sounded very worried when she called us about your note. And I'm sure that you both about are regretting what you did, and now you can come home and do something about this." "I guess I do feel bad about this, I mean it's her money after all. I should come and surprise her at the musical tonight!" I shake my head. "Yeah, sure. I'll pick you up at the train station in 20 minutes, ok?" "Sure. Thanks Dash!" "No prob." I hang up and I tell the girls a plan I've devised. They agree to it and then I go to pick up A.J. Once I pick her up, I take her to get her dress that she was going to wear, then we go home and get ready. Then we go to the playhouse. While Applejack goes to hide and prepare for our surprise, I hang with the girls. Then Flame shows up in a very sleek tux and I kiss him as soon as he walks in the door and he puts his arm around me and smiles. Then Rarity came, fashionably late, as usual. Then while she's talking to us, Applejack walks out and starts singing a song that was very much related to a song that was sung to me, however the title was "My Generosity" Flame was smiling the whole time and so was Rarity. By the end, A.J. and Rarity were kissing, and then they both whisper their sorry and we go inside to watch an amazing show. Once it's finished, we go outside and standing there is Midnight Solo, the best actress there is on Broadway, as demonstrated by the musical we just watched. She was signing autographs and shaking hands with people. I see Twilight get an autograph. I smile as she gets her autograph, because she looks almost too happy. 

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